V6 Refuses to do anything!


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Active member
Aug 11, 2012
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United Kingdom - Leeds
Hey Guys!

Minitchi has a little ! above her head and the music icon is on.

I have tried praise, time out, medcine, food

All she does is shakes her head at me.

Her stress lvl is 97 but theres no way to get it down as she won't even accept her toy :(

any help?

This means she is due for a band practice or a performance. When you see an exclamation mark above her head and the music icon is on, click the Door icon. :D

You have to select the music icon not the door one

If your Tama does not want to obey what you're telling it to do, give her a Timeout.

If it won't accept its toy, maybe it doesn't like it. Try giving it a different toy, one that's for girls. Your Tamagotchi has to go to the concert, but after a while it will go away and you will miss out. Perhaps you should wait for the concert icon to not go highlighted, and then try to solve your Tamagotchi's problem.

Looks like I am going to have to wait it out :(

Tried a new toy, Won't play, Tried praise and it doesn't work and time out does nothing :(

If you really want it to be back to normal, reset it and press download. Maybe that will bring it back to normal :)

Try playing a game with her in the music icon section. Also if you have an item called !! that lowers stress as well. Snacks other than baby's milk can help, too.

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