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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
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I think I might of found v6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

click here!!!!

Sorry it's in Japanese...

Mamelover :p

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It's not a Tamagotchi virtual pet. It's a toy based on a Tamagotchi character. Judging by the commercial (you can watch here), it looks to be similar in function to a Primopuel, but with added interactivity provided by the LCD screen and buttons on her hand bag. (An English-language article about Primopuel can be seen here.)

I....men't v6...... :marumimitchi: :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi:

*binary: edited topic title*

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That is not a V6, sorry! It looks preety interesting though so, thanks!



:) I read the article and watched the ad. The toy looks kinda cool but it can't possibly be a v.6 although i've heard rumors of a v.6 in Japan already! :D
although i've heard rumors of a v.6 in Japan already! :kuribotchi:
The current model in Japan is the Royal FamiTama. We expect the V5.5 to be very similar to this model.

Judging by previous product release dates, I don't expect to see a newer Tamagotchi model in Japan until November 23, 2008.

V6? you are kidding me! :D the V5 organization is still new. They won't be coming out for at least 3 months :)

That's not the V6!

It's Contact Friend ChaMametchi.

It's a Tamagotchi acessory,like Tamagotchi Resteraunt and Tama-watchi.

The current model in Japan is the Royal FamiTama. We expect the V5.5 to be very similar to this model.
Judging by previous product release dates, I don't expect to see a newer Tamagotchi model in Japan until November 23, 2008.
Isn't there a v5.5? ;) Because they never go to just a single number after another. :wacko: :lol: This is what Bandi does:

they go to: v1 v2 v3 v4 v4.5 v5 v5.5 and now v6!?!? :blink: man has Bandi gone a little bit TO far?

I agree with the others - that isn't a v6 - but it was good to see as it looks really cute!!!! i wish i could read japanese, cos i'm interested in finding out more!!! :blink:

Yes, that's definitely not a V6, though, it is a very cute plushie. From what I can see, it looks like there is some sort of graphics module attached, but I don't think it has the same functions as a Tamagotchi.

I might look into it. It's very cute. :furawatchi:

Yes, that's definitely not a V6, though, it is a very cute plushie. From what I can see, it looks like there is some sort of graphics module attached, but I don't think it has the same functions as a Tamagotchi.
I might look into it. It's very cute. :D
Ya took the words straight out my mouth, memetchi_man!!! GIVE THEM BACK!! lol no only jokin on that last bit hehe!!! :)

Yeah, there's now way that's a v6, but I would buy it if it had an English version! It's so cute! And about v5.5, I heard rumors about it coming out in Fall 2008... but idk.

They'll eventually be a V6, but as of now... I think we're stuck with our V5s. :eek:

No matter, thought, V5s are just as good as anything!

Oh, awesome! *Jumps up and down because he lives in the US*

I can't wait. It's gonna' be great.

But... I thought that was about V5.5?

Well, saying the Familitchi, or the Version 5, or whatever you'd like to call it, has just only come out in England, it would be pretty strange for a Version 6 to be available in Japan. It's 4167 Yen, which is £19.67 ($38.97), too much for a Tamagotchi. It's more of a cute pink Mametchi with something which looks like a Gen. 1 on it's handbag. Something similar to the V5.5 is out in Japan now.

There is going to be a V6, some more info about this here.
Dang. Hopefully I could try to import one from USA if I want one. Or force my Dad to get one on his next business trip to America :puroperatchi:

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