Valentines Day...


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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
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On Valentines Day, my wish is to be asked out by this guy who sits next to me. He said he thinks Im as pretty as his ex which is pretty, but he probably just said that to make it sound nice. SO do you have any advice as for what I should do to get him fancying me or any girly tips to make me look glam?

You can either post them here or PM them.


Be yourself.

If you're as pretty as his ex-girlfriend who is really pretty then you're beautiful!


Just be who you really are. I'm sure he'll love you when you are being just who you are.

Thanks. He's kind to me and I like him. I was on the role, just about to ask him out. Ooh! I want to how shall I?

Just be yourself

You will do fine ;)

But, if you want to make yourself look glam,

try wearing a little make-up or wearing your best outfit.

Go up to him,

and just be direct.

Being direct is the best way to be, in my opinion.

Don't beat around the bush.

Just start talking to him,

and then just bring it up.

If he likes you,

than he will most likely say yes.

If he says no,

Then at least you know you tried.

Whats the worst thing he could say,


Good luck!

And tell us all how it went!

Best of Luck,


Like everyone else has said, it is best to be yourself.

Even if he says no, you've got his respect. He's kind to ya right?

Hope all goes according to plan,


Be yourself.If you're as pretty as his ex-girlfriend who is really pretty then you're beautiful!


Just be who you really are. I'm sure he'll love you when you are being just who you are.
Yeah, exactly. Also, don't act completely different, because that would weird him out.

Valentine's Day is a dead holiday in my school. After elementary school, you don't celebrate it anymore, so I guess I shouldn't have to worry about these things, lol. ;)


lol thanks. Knowing me, I probably won't ask him out. I get really nervous when it comes to stuff like this. We're not really supposed to wear make - up, so what make - up shall I wear?

just wear a little bit of mascara, and some sheer lip gloss. oh yeah, and some subtle eyes shadow. don't go crazy with the make-up, because you don't want to look like you're trying to hard to gain his affection.

just talk to him, then drop a hint that you wanna go out with him.

don't fly overboard.

and like the others said: be yourself

Huff I didn't. Nerves took over. I was fine, then it just slipped away... Oh well. I'll try again after half term.

I agree to be yourself, make up wouldn't really win a guys heart, its YOU that does. Make up makes you feel pretty, confident, and grown up.

Don't just go and directly ask him out, it might scare him away because your being too strong (if he likes you lots and your really sure, you could just ask him out, but if your nervous its best to take things a bit slower so u get used to talking, and spending time with him). You should get to know him, find out if he has similar interests, maybe an online game, or maybe a sport he likes, or going for walks.

If he likes playing soccer, for example, you could ask him if he would want to verse you 1 on 1 after school or something. Just talk to him and find out what he likes doing best, and ask to join in next time, that way, you will be less nervous and you will get to know him a lot more and you will over come that nervous feeling.

Hope I helped you fooet

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Don't get totaly fancied up.

Probably A LITTLE eyeliner, light eyeshadow, nothing drastic.

If he doesn't like you because you aren't dressed up, he isn't worth it.

Don't try to be someone your not just to impress a boy. Just be yourself :(

try curling or straightening your hair and put some nice purfume on and see how it goes. Just ask him out cos you never know what he will say :(


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