Vampires + Humans = Vammams


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Feb 12, 2007
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"I can't belive we made the first type of Vammams!" Lindsy said to her Vampire husband, Van La So.

"I know..." Van La So said. "...But the main thing is, what should we call her?"

"Casirra! That used to be my nickname when I was younger!"

"Fine, but I just wonder what she'll grow up like..." Van La So thought hard in his head. What will she marry? We will have to engourage other Vampires and humans to marry each other! He thought to himself.

Five years later...

She was afraid of her vampire heritage. "Will I be rejected?" she would wonder, walking through her family's gardens. She was going to start school soon. Her teeth were incredibly sharp, and she didn't want to hurt anyone. She was afraid of being made fun of for being pale, too. She was like a ghost... She thought kids would be afraid of her. She started school a month later. All of her classmates looked at her strangely, except for one. She thought nothing of this one child, but little did she know that he...

Seem entranced by Cassira's odd being. She had huge fangs and pale skin with red hair that went to her mid back. She looked just like other vampires, but she walked in the sun and you could see her in a mirror. None the less, he tried many times to be her friend. But at lunch a few days later...

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Cassira finally started getting interested about the boy. He seemed very pale, too. "Is he a vammam, too?" she would ask herself.

Eventually she would find out that he was an alien from another family. She fell in love with him and they spent lots of time together. But her parents didn't approve of him.....

That night at dinner her dad angrily said "Listen, you cannot stay with those uckers. You are going to marry Brity, got it?" Her dad gave her a look in the eye. Brity! Thought Casirra. Brity was a fat ki in her class and a mama's boy. She was NOT going to accept it..

One day, Cassira got so mad at her parents that she left. She went to the "ucker's" house, as her dad called him. "He'll understand... he always understands," she said quietly to herself. She traveled across town and made it to his house. Then...

Cassira was sixteen. She really didn't need anyone now, but she loved Fang.(The boy)

They sat on a cliff, watching the sunset, Fang did not know she loved him.

As the sun was setting, they leaned in on each other, and had their first kiss...

then suddenly a russel came from the bush behind them. Cassira started snezing up a storm. *AHHH---CHOOOO!!!*

Fang: bless you

after a coouple more sneezes, she remembered something. "I'm allergic to garlic! i can smell it in the air and..."

she was cut off by a voice.

"there's a warrant out for you kids. Brity, get the get the hammer and the stake. 1000$ alive, 5000$ dead..."

Fang and Cassira were shocked. "Oh, Fang, what will we do?" she whispered to him. "I don't know... But what good is a Vamam without blood-sucking powers?" he said. They looked at the people with the weapons. Fang and Cassira leaned in on their necks and turned them into Vampires! They could only be a REAL Vammam if their mom is a human and their dad is a vampire. If the mom is a vampire and the dad is a human, they're Humires. The bodies were on the ground motionless. "Well, we've avoided THEM..." Cassira said. "But what about the other people in the town? They said there was a REWARD for us!" She shivered. "Don't worry about it. We can just turn everyone into Vampires... It may take a while, but it's possible. My mom has taken me to towns like that..." Fang said. Cassira didn't know about Humires, but Fang was really a Humire, not a Vammam. Fang wanted to tell her, but he didn't know how. But one day...

3 years later

Cassira and Fang were deeply in love. But, still having not told her he was a humire, he thought he could break it to her best he could. A few days earlier they had turned a bunch of vammy/humire slayers into vampires. when cassira went off to set up camp, Fang had riped the finger off of on vampire and shaped the bones left on it into a ring.

"Now all i need is a Jewel..."

he reached down to see if the wife had any gems of value. a Jade sat on her right hand.

Perfect fit.

Now he need the right time and place to propose to his love...

Cassira was in the bushes picking berries to eat. She made it into a blood-looking drink, and ate the berries normally. She didn't have to worry about poison, since Vamam blood is immune to poisons.

Fang made the ring and waited for her to come back to camp. He was rather tall... 6'6" to be exact! The sun was setting. "There will probably be another group of killers soon..." he said quietly. But little did he know...

They were stalking both of them at that very moment. they waited until sundown, and made their attack.

Fangs story: as the sun set, he went in search of his love. on the way, he heard a scream. Cassira! He ran towards the scream, only to trip in a bramble of bushes. he look again and saw it was actual a string. he was jumped and brutality attacked. one man pulled out the stake and the hammer, aimed and...

Cassira's story: she had finished the berries and went to their camp. on the way she was startled to see the sun had went down and Fang wasn't there. a chipmunk scurried past and she screamed, but laughed at her foolish assumption. she her a howl of pain, and recognised the voice as Fang. He must be hurt, she thought. she ran and saw a limp body on the ground, and a few bodies around it. she went to the limp body of fang and saw the stake through his heart. she spurted a tear, then a lot, and finally bent over her only friend, knowing they would never meet in this world again. But as she cried she felt a faint pulse. they had missed the heart. but how long would it be till...

Till he dies? she wondered. Fang opened his eyes just a crack. "C'sirra.... come... here..." he said weakly. Cassira kneeled next to him. "What is it?" she asked him. He held her hand and put the ring on her finger. "I... love you...." he stammered. Cassira started crying. Her tear hit his forhead. Fang...

"..Hud...."he murmured. Cassira put her hand on his shoulder. "...Hud?"

"B..blood..."he whispered. Cassira felt his heart slowing....

She ran, ran like the wind....running past trees, leaping over rivers....on and on and on. Then she stopped for a breath and saw-two dead bodies! Cassira grabbed them and gathered their blood. She ran back to Fang and..

his heart still pounded, possibly only on his love for her. Cassira wanted to break down, to burst into tears over her fallen lover. But this was a time to think, a time to act. the body truly dies about 4-5 after the heart stops. this was not nearly enough time to transplant a living heart into him, and where would she find any people now? She need more time. more time...

then she thought of the river.

it had snowed every night for the past 3 nights, and the river had froze over. if she could freeze the body in the cold ice, she could keep him alive long enough to find a human...

but then she thought about what would happen if she successfully transplanted the heart.

Would he stay the same, with the same love for her? would he become human and develop a hatred for her as well?

his heart stopped beating.

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Fed it too him, and she used medical skills, since she had been in nurse class in college. His heart slowly recovered. Then he got up. Then they did a fake marriage.

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Fed it too him. Hs heart slowly recovered. Then he got up. They kissed again. They proposed with a grass ring! Then they did a fake marriage.
Well, he already put the ring on her finger... And it was made of bones and jade. Please read the other posts and stick with the story.

Cassira decided to just take the chances. She loved him enough to want him to live, even if he hated her after that. So she...

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