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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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So what do you guys think about being a Vegetarian?

I am "part" Vegetarian I suppose. I try to avoid meat as much as I can, but I still eat a little bit. Almost everything on my Lunch Menu includes meat, so I have to eat meat in some cases.

What do you guys think about vegetarianism?

I've seen enough of this topic in posts past go wrong because people can't remain civil in a debate and respect each other's views. There's nothing wrong to agreeing to disagree, but then some folks like to get claws out and get nasty when it is NOT NEEDED.

Any fights, insults, rude and other negative posts about the topic or to people will be removed and karma/consequences will be given. You all have been warned.

Keep it a friendly and open discussion.

Nahh. I need my meat. But I respect all those that choose not to eat meat.

I am pesciatrian. No red meat [pig meat included] so therefore I only eat seafood and chicken.

Yeaah. Its whatever you choose to want. Some people just like animals too much.

I've been fully vegetarian for about a year. It kind of happened gradually. First I stopped eating fish because of overfishing, then i stopped eating pig because my friend had a pig and he was the smartest thing and i decided that I didn't want to eat anything so smart. Then I stopped eating beef because of the way they were treated. However I am still forced to eat chicken occasionally by my parents because they hate me being vego (they think its dumb for me to give up the nutrients i get from meat while i'm still growing rapidly.)

And the downside is that I have to take supplements of iron and protein and other stuff, but its not so bad. I've actually discovered meat makes me gag now. I went for a day saying "screw this i really want some meat", had some spaghetti bolognaise, and nearly threw up. And I knew it wasn't that it was rancid meat or anything because my friends happily gobbled it down. So it looks like i might even be a vegetarian for life now. Which I don't mind, but everyone hates cooking for me now :mellow:

A friend of mine turned vegan recently. I think she is completely crazy, because shes my age (13) and I couldn't live without dairy (plus the nutrition factor). So I completely don't understand the vegan thing.

Being vegetarian is pretty cool. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and to tell the truth, everytime I tell someone I'm a vego I feel kind of proud for some weird reason.

So if you're considering becoming a vegetarian, I completely recommend it. Just remember to take supplements, because I was nearly hospitalised within the first two weeks because of lack of iron (but I already had really low iron levels).

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I'm a recent vegetarian :\ Since the start of last month I guess, I've not been eating as much meat, trying to like, phase it out of my diet.

It's going well, and I'm not really eating it at all anymore :)

Vegetarianism is.. Something I've always wanted to do. My Uncle John, Kimmy and Jason live on a farm hehe, so they have chickens and stuff and it's like "HEY WOW, I don't wana eat you D:" Then I get sad and yeah lol.

I love fish. Alot. And chicken too. I try to avoid meat as much as you can, apart from ham and bacon. I truly don't like lamb, beef or any other meat. Yucky.

I do feel horrible sometimes about eating animals etc. I love them too much. And I don't see the point of us eating animals, and them not eating us. Seems not fair in my view.

Also, I have nothing against eating animals and stuff. I just don't really like meat, so I don't eat it that often.

I'm sorry, but I need to eat my meat.

I am a passionate animal lover, but I cannot resist eating them .

Mmmmm .

I feel kinda bad now. ._.

I'm a vegetarian.

3 years October 3rd.


I understand when people say they 'Love' their meat, because it does taste good, but for me the animals were more important.

It also feels like I'm saving lives, and helping the world.

I don't take any supplements of anything though.. :)

I'm fine, and never have been to the hospital since or even close.

I've been vegetarian all my life because I was born into a vegetarian family, so yeah. I won't go any further because so far I've caused an argument on like...four topics of this type xD


Yes. I'm a vegetarian.....

It's because I don't like meat, and because of the conditions of which animals are treated it. There was a programme on slaughter houses for pigs, and it made me gag and cry. They put the animals in so much distress.... So yeah, I'm a vegetarian

Animals are yummy. And so I eat them.

I don't think about it too hard. Really, I'l eat anything. Whether I'm supposed to or not. My friends know that xD

I believe it's the food chain, humans are at the top. We dominate the earth. Rawwwr. Survival of the fittest, as long as we don't take it to an extremity. But we create our own animals, it's not like we're plucking them out of the wild.

But, I am against the maltreatment going on in factories and such. I believe that the animals deserve to live in sanitary conditions in their short lives.

Animals are yummy. And so I eat them.
I don't think about it too hard. Really, I'l eat anything. Whether I'm supposed to or not. My friends know that xD

I believe it's the food chain, humans are at the top. We dominate the earth. Rawwwr. Survival of the fittest, as long as we don't take it to an extremity. But we create our own animals, it's not like we're plucking them out of the wild.

But, I am against the maltreatment going on in factories and such. I believe that the animals deserve to live in sanitary conditions in their short lives.
Agreed. But I still don't eat THAT much meat. I eat it in a meal or two a day. When I really think while I am eating, I feel kinda bad.

Like my friend Gary. He was telling me and my friend how they kill cows so they can eat them.

I will explain it, but if you don't want to read it, then I warned you:

First they get a huge flat hammer type thing and hit the cow's head and they fall. Owchers

Ok, that's done.

I thought they did it by using cattle prods to round them into the kill shed, then put a nail gun through their head and slit their throat.
I don't know why, but that made me laugh. I kind of scared myself. That I should laugh at that. I just thought the cows got beheaded.

Anyway, I'm not a vegetarian. I'll eat most things. And meat is very much one of them.

I thought they did it by using cattle prods to round them into the kill shed, then put a nail gun through their head and slit their throat.
Every animal is killed a different way.

I saw one on how they kill pigs and it brought me to tears. Thats why I stopped with the pigs. Then I saw the rest of them. Cows and sheep. They made me sad but not tearful. When it came to chicken i'm all "Whatever" Because chicken is the most humane.

I was full veggie for a month and it started to really harm me. I fainted on stage but when I woke up I wasn't on the stage. I fainted right off. I eat chicken and fish to get fatty acids and omega3 and such. I wouldn't ever go full veggie ever again. I hate taking an iron tablet each morning but if it stops me becoming anemic for like the 5th time i'll do it.

I'm a somewhat vegetarian. Like Michelle, I don't eat red meat.

About a year ago, I told my parents I was going vegetarian, and they freaked out. They still made me eat meat - I threw a fit at dinner, and they practically shoved it down my throat. That still happens quite frequently, actually.

But they do respect that I do not eat beef. (ie they don't make me eat tacos, hamburgers, meatloaf, meatballs, hotdogs, [ although hotdogs aren't beef ] , etc) Occasionally they'll make me have a half slice of ham, but that's about it.

I only eat meat when my parents make me, or when I'm eating a turkey-and-tons-of-vegetables sandwich.

I'm not a "part-vegetarian" for the animals - I just can't STAND the taste of beef. It makes me want to puke. And I never know where that meat has been, and the thought of eating something else that had a life and moved and pooped just disgusts me. :X


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I respect Vegetarians, but meat is an important part of any healthy diet.

Cecib :)

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