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I eat meat. To be honest, I as a person need it.

I like how it tastes. The way I see it, humans are animals.

Animals eat animals to survive. Therefore, I as an animal am allowed to eat animals. To me, it's this whole natural-way-of-life-and-such thing.

I'm against animal cruelty, because yes, I love animals. :]

And I think vegetarians are amazing. I'm not going to lie--I tried it and failed. I look up to them, but at the same time I know I can't go more than like...two days without meat.

I'm not vegetarian and I don't think I ever will be. I respect those who are of course but me personally, no matter how many studies show otherwise, I just can't believe that not eating meat can be healthy. Maybe I'm just paranoid though xD Still I steer away from it.

Not eating meat at all isn't healthy..thats why we have to supplement our diets with other stuff like tofu and beans for protein and pills for iron and such.

And I completely believe that whole "animals eat animals, humans are the top of the food chain" business. Because it's true. I just think that if people really thought that way, they'd go out and hunt the animals themselves. Farming is just a way for us to ignore the violence and blood involved in killing animals for food. But yeah, humans are meant to be omnivores and it is pretty unnatural for us to not eat meat.

But anemia really does suck..haha


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I like chickens. They are funny, I see chicks all the time because my freind has like 30 chickens in their garden, as well as seeing the chicks hatch, feeding them. But then again they are tasty. I have a dillemma ._.

I'm a vegetarian. I have been for many years now. It was an individual choice I made when I was 9. I had just moved to Canada and was really creeped out by the lobster tanks in the supermarkets with the live lobsters in them. I felt sad for them, seeing them alive was somehow different in my opinion. From that day on I didn't eat meat and I continue that trend to this day. I don't try and force my diet onto anyone!

I'll admit finding a balance is hard. Being anemic, my lack of meat is especially hard on my system but it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. In all fairness, I eat a LOT better now that I ever did as an omnivore, my meals now include a lot of beans, lentils and whole wheats.

I also chose not to eat anything with gelatin in it. Gelatin being a jelly like substance made from animal skin, bones and hooves. Examples of things with gelatin include; marshmallows, gummy sweets, gel cap tablets, yoghurt...etc

No, I'm not vegetarian. But I almost became one when I saw a truck filled with pigs being taken to a slotterhouse <( :eek:

I depend on meat too much, I couldn't be a vegetarian if I tried :[

To anyone who is that's great :lol:

I'd say I'm a sort of vegetarian. I try to eat mostly vegetables and all the vegatarian food.

However, once in a while I'll eat a peice of chicken to get in any nutrients I might be missing. If I'm really in the need for meat, I'll pick up one of those meals made from fake meat stuff.

Other than that, I do consider myself a vegetarian.

It wasn't right for me. For a year and a half I tried pescatarianism (vegetarianism with fish) and I wasn't doing well physically; I had protein deficiency headaches every day. So I have recently reverted to being an omnivore.

For anyone who wants to try vegetarianism, don't be afraid to try it. It may work for you, it may not. Don't be afraid to try new things.

I only eat fish and it bugs my parents alot. My family has meat in every meal ('sept breakfast).

Click on the image, it's a video:
I thought it was a lot worse, actually.. It's not as bad as I imagined.
You don't think that's bad? It's horrible. I almost couldn't watch it. D:

I don't think it's a matter of space. I know with veal, the baby calves (Or is it lambs? Either way -- ) are kept in tiny cages so they can't move or stand up, to keep from building muscle. It makes the meat more tender when they're slaughtered. I'm not sure if it's the same with chickens, but it very well could be.

Click on the image, it's a video:
I thought it was a lot worse, actually.. It's not as bad as I imagined.

Yeah. Vegetarianism doesn't work for me. But, I would be willing to pay an extra dollar or so each meal so that the factories could buy more land for the chickens to roam in.
That was terrible. I cry when I see a dead animal on the road. I couldn't take that ._.

I couldn't even watch the cow one.

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I just think vegetarianism is bad. Especially if you're already very skinny like my friend. (she tried being a vegetarian but is now eating sausage sizzles, bacon, and ham steaks again) I can't live without meat.

Click on the image, it's a video:
I thought it was a lot worse, actually.. It's not as bad as I imagined.

Yeah. Vegetarianism doesn't work for me. But, I would be willing to pay an extra dollar or so each meal so that the factories could buy more land for the chickens to roam in.
Maaaan, that makes my heart drop.

Seriously, I can't stand looking at animal cruelty.

I think that one video is seriously gonna make me think about being vegetarion (well, not completely. The one with the fish). So yeahhh, I haven't watched all of it cuz I absolutely can't handle it.

At the moment I eat all kids of meat. Just not kangaroo, emu, crocodile, shark and all those rare meats. They also makemy heart drop.

Vegetarians are awesome. I saw this one sign that said

"Vegetarian. Because my body is not a grave yard"


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