Version 2 GREEN Camouflage, Where is it!?!


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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2004
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Grr... At my walmart and my toys R' Us they only sell tamagotchi from the sweet candy addition and thje flower one. I cannot find a green camo tama any of the two places! I need a website too check, so i can find it. By the way I live in ontario, do you know any places that would sell them, between toronto or ajax or pickering?

You probably don't have a Fred Meyer but if you do you might be able to find it there. I just bought the green camo from Fred Meyer today. Otherwise...I don't know. :eek:

i saw a green camoflauge one at wal-mart..... ^^.... and i saw a lot of others... try toys-r-us.... my brother's friend went there and they had a WIDE variety

CH, where was this toysrus located or which walmart?

I was talking toa girl who works at toysrus and she said she found 1 camo packed away inside the warehous hidden behind some pink ones and red ones ^^. Its 21 dollars though..ERGH!

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I found my green camouflage at a hobbie store, it was $ 15 more than my white-camouflage that i found at walmart, but it was worth it. Maybe you just have to wait for your walmart to restock ? :unsure: Or try other stores, you may end up finding it when you least expect it.

go to the pacific mall and they have tamas there and the eaton centre in toys toys toys shop! i know cuz i just finished going to toronto!

it may be expensive @ ebay but if u do cheapest first u'll be suprised :huh:

HA ha. i have a green camo. people say its the rarest color out of all. im the only one in my school who has the color. about like half the kids in our school ( thats 195) have tamagotchis. and its the only camafkouge that comes in a 1pack. except for the light blue camo. but that camo color is really common. :furawatchi:

And Im Looking For A Pink With Stars Around The Screen One


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