Version 3 Codes


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Microphone: 2574910227Baseball Cap: 3499719822

Teddy Bear: 0051172237

Balloon: 2985545692

Skate Board: 3587170728

Bandai Ribbon: 9074109048

Suitcase: 2134365558

Rare Shoes: 6931154615

Rare CD: 9294941215
What do you mean?

I thought you could only do A B & C!

Ver. 3 Tama's allow you to enter passwords (numbers) in the game/shop area. You get the passwords from But there are suppose to be 7 secret codes (just like for ver.2) I'm hoping someone finds them soon. The instructions give you the first one...but I don't know where to find the others....yet = )

you have to get your own passwords!!! you cant use other peoples and i think you have to be an adult to go to parents house and you have to donate gp to the king to see him! :blink: :D :eek: B) :p B) :) :D :(

holy crap :blink: there's that many there? and plus my friend says that there are more than 100 codes on that v3 tama :D how do the people think of that many items?? B)

i have a v3. they dont work. and i do have codes for the king and parents...but the parent codes are codes for my tamas parents only. and the king code is so rare i will never give it away!
it's not that the king code is really RARE--anyone who donates enough gets it. the minimum for how much to donate is something like 5000 pts. but i don't think, by the way they worded it, that the king always gives the code for that much.

how did u get the shoes code? i found all of the others on the site already

I am sorry to bother you, but I was wondering how you got your parent code. I followed the instructions on the site, but my toy did not provide me with one. I was wondering if you needed to be second generation to be able to visit your parents or something.

these arent going to work heres why...



Heres the deal with these passwords, for every V3 you have to make up a username and for everyuser name there is a specific code for everyone. You probaly cant use any of the ones that are posted on this site becasue every user name has there own unique code for only them to use. But if you are still looking for ways to find codes heres are some places where I got mine:

--In The Mall--

((now these are all free but they give you a password and a price for everything else))

**Forever Tamagotchi = play the Tama Says game and the Suitcase game and you get a rare pair of shoes and a suitcse from them

**Lucky Toys=play the race game, you get a Bandia Ribbon

**Tama Beat=click on the microphone and play the Mox game you will recive a microphione of your own. The clikc on the CDs by the front desk and play the Whats the Song game, and you will get CD!

there now I've started you off and now you'l have to explore around for the other ones!! Good Luck!!

from what I kno they sell the V3 @ Toys R Us

you didnt do it wrong!!! You have to have the same username :wacko: :ph34r: :lol: i wish they didnt do the whole like user name thing :( :rolleyes: :gozarutchi: <_<

That will be really helpful when i get a V3!!! THX!

...wait... i dont think those will work cause of this post i heard this one time...

It is not going to work when someone gives you the code for the king. Because you have to have the same user name on your tama to be abel to share. :huh:

i have a v3. they dont work. and i do have codes for the king and parents...but the parent codes are codes for my tamas parents only. and the king code is so rare i will never give it away!
never mind :huh:
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The misunderstanding here is that V3's (toys r us in Michigan had them and sold out already) have BOTH passwords that you get from that only work with your V3 AND Secret Codes that I think will be universal. In Ver.3 instructions, it gives you the first secret code for free. It is ABBAACBA. It gave me a birthday cake.
When I use the passwords from TamaTown my Tama gets it and plays or eats it right then. It doesn't store it as an item for later use. Still a baby so that is all the info. we have right now.
No,it is stored in the souvenir section on the V3 tama :angry:

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