Version 3 connection


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Sometimes when they love each other but don't have a baby yet they kiss when the show those animations.

Can i ask for your advice i have a v3 and i got money klast night for babysitting i got 20 bucks is that enough for a tamagotchi and should i buy anotherone?? :p ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

This is because if each tama has 2 or more faces then it means thay are developing a relation between them. ;) ;) When theylove each other they will kiss. ;) ;)

;) actually u should cos if u go to kmart albury aus u can get v3 tamagotchis for only $19.64! by the way my site is and email at msn is [email protected]

luv gucci97!

My v3 tamagothi is an adult I kept on connecting it with my other tamagothi in present and after it does something with the other tamagothi they both kissed then gave thier presents . When it gave the present it had a heart on top of its head then it got married . ^_^

If it says list full on your screen, go to your items and use or delete one. if thats not the case. eat one of your snacks or your meals.

hope i helped~

when i connected with one of my tamagotchis and my friends i got a diffrent scene! it was so cute! there was a moon in the corner of the screen and then they kissed! :furawatchi: how romantic :furawatchi:

If you go to present mode with a v3 tamagotchi, you will every once ina while experience the following: looking out your tama's window, looking at it's garden, or playing video games.
-acey and older brother
Alot of peole will know that when they have got connected

its couse you dont have enough room on your item list to accept a present same with the shop you cant buy items if your item list is full :)
Actually, it's your Food list. If you have less than 20 items, it's fine. But if you have 6 foods, then you can't connect.

yeah that hapend to me when my brother coected mine and his they looked at the sunset?!lol

:angry: :( ;) :ichigotchi: :p :( :( :( :( <_< <_< <_< HOW DO YOU NOT NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <_<
Now let's not be too hard on blitsz94.

They are new member and are probably new to Tamagotchis aswell.


If you go to present mode with a v3 tamagotchi, you will every once ina while experience the following: looking out your tama's window, looking at it's garden, or playing video games.
-acey and older brother
Actually..When your tamas are best friends that when they play video games,plant,look out the window,look at stars&moon at night,jump,sing,etc.

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