Version 3


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Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles,California
Hi people,

Can someone tell me how to use the items in the souvenir section cuz everytime I press the item the name just comes up and that's it. So if you know how to just reply! :rolleyes:

From what I can tell, you don't use souvenirs at all and just collect them. Since special items to use go into the items section. I do have a v3, but my tama is not an adult yet.

I was kinda wondering too what the souvinirs were My atamgotchi looks like this ;) lol!

I was kinda wondering too what the souvinirs were My atamgotchi looks like this ;) lol!
I can see that you're new here (Welcome!) but TamaTalk has a rule against bumping up old topics. If you have a question you can either search the forum for the answer in an old topic or you can make your own topic if you didn't find the answer in anybody else's.

Yes, you cannot use the souvenirs - you can just collect them. ^_^

When you get the 'cape' on your souvenirs list, sometimes it appears on your tama's item list as a 'royal costume'.

When you tama wears it, it will give you a password which you type into the Tamagotchi Corner Shop game to unlock a sofe. ^_^

-sk8er girl-

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