Version 5 Celebrity Log


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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2008
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I got a V5! So this is there log! I will introduce:


Flor - Oldest - Girl - Sakuramotchi

Leaf - Middlist - Boy - Mattaritchi

Bell - Youngest - Girl - Belltchi


Hungry: 5

Happy: 5

Bonds: 10%

Family: Sociable Family

Name: Twig

Gen: 1g

Gochi Points: 3200


At the moment..... My others tamagotchis are on pause. Just a bit of news: Angus had a baby girl! So i have Drake on pause so Angel [decided name] can grow up in time!


now i am going to Tama & Earth Expo!

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They have just evolved!

Flor - Ichigotchi.

Leaf - Kikitchi.

Bell - Chamametchi.

Later i will post and they will talk!





They just wanted some attencion. There bonding is still 10% and i dont no how to raise it... well i do but it is annoying any way... here they are!


Me: come on guys, introduce your self!

Leaf: I am the only boy in this family! But i am not in the middle i am on the left and i am not the oldest i am the middlist....

Bell: Well i am a girl and unfortunatly has Leaf for a brother. i am the youngest.

Flor: I am Flor. I am the oldest, often tell my little sister Bell of because of hitting, scratching, bitting and kicking. And often laughing at Leaf for being an idiot. I am in the middle.

Me: that was great guys.... couldnt you be a bit more nicer to your brother Bell?

Bell: not in a million years! :lol:

Me: .:: thinks ::. i need to raise there bonds.

Flor: ow! Bell!

Bell: .:: hehehe ::.

Flor: Bell bit me!

Leaf: Bell are you an idiot?

Me: Be nice Bell!

Bell: .:: cries ::. no one ever gives ME praise. I am prettier than Flor and every thing.

Leaf: ...... you look wierd actually...


It carried on but some of the words Bell used... it wouldnt even be aloud on TT!

stats time!


Hungry: 5

Happy: 5

Bonds: 10%

Family: Blended Family [why did it change?]

Name: Twig

Gen: G1

Gotchi Points: 200 not that good....



Me: calm down

Flor: and we hit 50% bonding!

Me: Good!

Bell: Flor... i am really sorry. i never meant to upset you the other day....

Flor: Apoligy excepted.... but calling me a :.....: is NOT nice!

Leaf: Are girls nuts? .:: laughs ::.

Me: .:: whispers ::. I think so.

Leaf: You cant talk! You ARE a girl.

Me: .:: scowls ::.


They all evolved into adults:


Flor - Memetchi

Leaf - Kuromametchi

Bell - Hotteatchi


They are really excited. Flor is going into the Dating show. B&L are eaging her on. she is really shy and says she doesnt want to.... oh well. It's not the end of the world. :huh:


_ \ /\\-|_ <----- [wierd firework]

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I was reading the V5 chart... and i thought it wasnt right. so then i found the celeb one. thats better i thought Leaf was a special character! :D



Leaf: Whats the matter?

Flor: ...

Leaf: Say something!

Flor: ...

Bell: Flor speak to me. For mum!

Flor: .:: Whispers ::. You want me to speak? well i will speak. .:: looks away ::. I met some one. Mums friends tamagotchi, His family is called Alichi. And i love him. He loves me. But we cant be together. Because i am marrieing tomorrow on the daing show.

Bell: Oh.














I am not sue why Flor is in a strop. Well i am. But Alichi Family are only teens.

I must talk to her later when she has camled down....



Sorry about not replying but i am not aloud on the pc much. News is that Flor got married to a mametchi! They had to kids! A boy and a girl. I called them Roxxie and Ron. They are now teens... no wait... just evolved to adults!!!

P.S: the dad is called Rich[ard] [do nit mention the family of alichi]



Roxxie - Chantotchi

Ron - Mametchi [im like my dad! :lol: ]

Flor - Mememamatchi

Rich - Papamametchi


Rich: Kids!! we are go- OH MY GOD!

Roxxie: Dad! we finally evolved!

Rich: Ron! You look just like me! well like i did...

Flor: You are both beautifull!

Ron: ehem

Flor: and handsome.

Roxxie: What were you saying dad?

Rich: We are going to decide who is going on the dating show.

Roxxie: Ron is. He is a mametchi. I want him to go on.

Ron: Awww... thanks sis!

Flor: lets go visit your Aunty Bell and Uncle Leaf. Show him you evolved.

Ron: Do we have to? Uncle Leaf is sooo wierd!!!

Rich: Yes...

Me: Where do i come into this conversation? Do i get a say in this?

Flor: errr.... why?

Me: Because they are comeing round!!!!!!!

Door: Zzzzz.....


Door: zz...ohz... zelloz youz tooooz... zzz.... .:: opens and lets Bell & Leaf in::. have a nice time .:: goes back to sleep ::.

Bell: OH MY GOD! You evolved....

Leaf: .:: bursts into tears ::. you grow up so fast .:: sniffs ::.

Flor: hiya you to! Lets have tea!

2 hours later:

Bell & Leaf: BYE!

Ron: see ya later... .:: whispers ::. wierdos

Everyone else: Bye!

Me: I am going to do your stats now..


Hungry: 5

Happy: 5

Bonds: 0%

Family: Sociable

Name: Twig

Gen: 2G

Points: 6090 gp.



All is well. nighty night night


Roxxie: Today we get married... Brother...... we are our mothers children, and because it was her who got married and not Leaf or Bells, i want you to go.

Ron: Really sis?

Roxxie: Yes. But we must ask NR.

Ron: ok. .:: tearfull ::.

Roxxie: .:: also tearfull ::.

Me: Whats the matter guys?

Ron: Roxxie wants me to get married.

Me: You must ask your pa-

Roxxie: Please?

Me: Ok. Lets take you to Matchmaker

Matchmaker: What do you want?... ahhh is this Ron? I think i have just the girl... Hotteatchi!

Ron: no...

Matchmaker: .:: thinks ::. maybe thats your type... hmmm yes i think so i present: MEGAMITCHI!!!

Ron: .:: stares at Megamitchi ::. Whats your name?

Megamitchi: My name? Alexandra.

Ron: My names Ron. Will you marry me?

Alex: Yes! I will!

.:: kiss and fire works ::. .:: evolves ::.

Ron: I am just like my dad a papamametchi

Alex: And i am a tennyotchi.

.:: both go off screen ::.


Boy - Middle - oldest - Ace

Girl - Left - middlist - Amy

Boy - Right - youngest - Matt


All Kids: mummy!!!!!!!!!!


Ron got married! and had three eggs.... Ace is my fav. Update today or tomorrow.


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