Visiting your parent


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2005
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sorry, private.
Here are some simple directions to visit your parent if you have a v3:

1. Wait until your tama is AT LEAST at it's 2nd generation.

2. Go to the friends icon and scroll down until you find "family"

3. Select "parent"

4. Keep pressing B until it says "Password for PC!"

5. Write down the password and get on your computer!

6. Go to

7. After entering tamatown click on the house that says "Parent"

8. Enter the password that you wrote down and you can see your parent.

9. If this is your first time visiting your parent they will give you a password. Enter that password in your v3 toy and you will get a free cell phone for your tama!hope this helps! :lol: :D :lol: :wub: :D

Thank you! I got the cell phone. And I went to see my parent again and guess what!? It said "I was looking through your old stuff and guess what I found?" and then I got a free pencil. It was in my items (not my souveneirs) and I didn't have to pay for it!! Isn't that cool? I wonder if other people had that happen. But, I just wanted to share the info. :nazotchi:

Thank you! I got the cell phone. And I went to see my parent again and guess what!? It said "I was looking through your old stuff and guess what I found?" and then I got a free pencil. It was in my items (not my souveneirs) and I didn't have to pay for it!! Isn't that cool? I wonder if other people had that happen. But, I just wanted to share the info. ;)
And then I just went a third time to visit my parent and I got a free CD! Again, it was in my items not my souveneirs and I didn't have to pay. I don't think I'll visit the parent again until my tama has a baby. (I only went a third time because I turned into an adult and I wanted to see how the parent would react. lol. I love her still! Her name was Candy, she was a good Masktchi!! ;)

Thank you! I got the cell phone. And I went to see my parent again and guess what!? It said "I was looking through your old stuff and guess what I found?" and then I got a free pencil. It was in my items (not my souveneirs) and I didn't have to pay for it!! Isn't that cool? I wonder if other people had that happen. But, I just wanted to share the info. :rolleyes:
Wow, that's sweet! I didn't know that! I'll have to try visiting my tama's parent again!

I keep putting in the password my parent gives me for the cell phone but it doesnt work.Somebody help please! :blink: :p ;) :hitodetchi: :) :( :D

I keep putting in the password my parent gives me for the cell phone but it doesnt work.Somebody help please! :blink: :lol: ;) :( :( :( :(
type your tama's name at the begining when it say's PUT YOUR TAMA TOY USERNAME at the begining. and you will prob have a diff code and it will work!!!

what do you mean scnd generation?
You're first tamagotchi is the first generation. Then when they have a baby, the baby is the next generation of life, so it is the second generation. And every new baby is a new generation, unless you restart your tama. Then you start back at generation 1. Hope I helped! :angry:

Thank you! I got the cell phone. And I went to see my parent again and guess what!? It said "I was looking through your old stuff and guess what I found?" and then I got a free pencil. It was in my items (not my souveneirs) and I didn't have to pay for it!! Isn't that cool? I wonder if other people had that happen. But, I just wanted to share the info. :angry:
That happened to me too!! I suggest that you don't use it until you know if you really want to or not, because you can only use it once!

i knew that already :D but the same happens with grandparents and a bicycle :)

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