VMA Awards.


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The incident happened near the beginning of the event. Kanye was escorted off the premises, meaning he wasn't allowed to be there for the rest of the ceremony.

And he was nominated for quite a few awards, and they basically disqualified him and made him ineligible to win.
Oh! Thanks for clarifying. xD Well, I think he deserved it. Whoever made that decision... well, they made an excellent decision.

The incident happened near the beginning of the event. Kanye was escorted off the premises, meaning he wasn't allowed to be there for the rest of the ceremony.

And he was nominated for quite a few awards, and they basically disqualified him and made him ineligible to win.

yeah he was a real bagface ._. I mean, I don't really like Taylor Swift but that was uncalled for.

I never liked Kayne West. He's too full of himself. He's an a**hole, and this isn't the first time he has done something like this. So I have history behind not liking him.


I like when Lady Gaga was pretending to bleed.

I loved the MJ speech in the beginning. She mentioned him being a human to much though. And how he didn't have a childhood. She mentioned it after every 3 or 4 sentences.

I think Cobra Starship should've won the rock video though. Also the MJ dance thing was epical. It was a scramble-ish of all his songs that somehow came together and worked in harmony.

I saw the Kanye West incident. It was horrible. D: Taylor Swift somehow managed to look neutral as he spoke. Her singing in the subway was awesome. I love how in the end the top of a taxi cab was her mini stage.

Lady GaGa bleeding and the Paparazzi attacking her while she screamed No! creeped me out. And the vacant look in her eyes as she got lifted off the ground was creepy too, but a really good effect. It was really good. I liked her hair better when it was straight though. What happened to Kermit the frog though? He disappeared right after the Pre-show. It was really cute the he and Lady GaGa exchanged little kisses.

I didn't get to finish it though. I'm gonna have to find it on Youtube later, cause right now their doing a matenince (sp?) thingy and I can't find it.

I haven't seen it.

I've heard heaps about it. I plan to watch it tonight on MTV.

I want to see Lady Gaga's performance so bad. Everyone says it's awesome.

I know you'll probably hate me for this, but I have to agree with Kayne on one thing, there are much better female artists than Taylor Swift. I wouldn't say Beyonce is best female artist but Taylor Swift isn't all that good either. I actually think his little spaz entertaining. He was entitled to his opinion + I think he may have been drunk. He got punished for it, but if he was nominated for something and won it then he deserved it as he worked for it.

I know you'll probably hate me for this, but I have to agree with Kayne on one thing, there are much better female artists than Taylor Swift. I wouldn't say Beyonce is best female artist but Taylor Swift isn't all that good either. I actually think his little spaz entertaining. He was entitled to his opinion + I think he may have been drunk. He got punished for it, but if he was nominated for something and won it then he deserved it as he worked for it.
It's the VIDEO music awards. And the You Belong With Me video is better than the Single Ladies video in my opinion. The Single Ladies video was all sex and dancing. (Just my opinion, and I know that a lot of people voted on the songs and not the videos).

And even if Kanye didn't agree with the way things went, it wasn't his place to jump up on stage and take Taylor's moment from her. The majority of America (and whoever else was eligible to vote?) chose her, not Beyonce, and that's just the way it was and what the people wanted.

Haha, I don't hate you, but I must say I disagree. ;3

It's the VIDEO music awards. And the You Belong With Me video is better than the Single Ladies video in my opinion. The Single Ladies video was all sex and dancing. (Just my opinion, and I know that a lot of people voted on the songs and not the videos).
And even if Kanye didn't agree with the way things went, it wasn't his place to jump up on stage and take Taylor's moment from her. The majority of America (and whoever else was eligible to vote?) chose her, not Beyonce, and that's just the way it was and what the people wanted.

Haha, I don't hate you, but I must say I disagree. ;3
And I must say that for once Katie and I agree on something! xD

Couldn't have said it better myself. Kanye West treated Taylor Swift with an unfathomable amount of disrespect and I am deeply disgusted.

He probably was drunk xD Going on stage and disagreeing with the vote right in front of the recipient... you don't just.. do that?

I loved Lady GaGa's performance.

and P!nk's! How healthy she must be to be able to sing and work in the air like that o.o

Kanye was a fag ;)

Thank God Beyonce was nice enough to give up her time for Taylor~

He probably was drunk xD Going on stage and disagreeing with the vote right in front of the recipient... you don't just.. do that?
Maybe so, but being drunk is no excuse. If he's drunk, he shouldn't even be there in the first place. And secondly, if he was stupid enough to get himself drunk right before the VMA awards where he was expected to be, then he deserves every action they took against him that day.

^ Yepp.

I didn't mean it as an excuse, but it's probably why he did it. And it was stupid, I would've felt really bad for Taylor if I were there. Beyonce's a lot nicer than I thought ;oo

Kanye's always had a huge ego that has gotten him into some not-so-great situations like this before. I'm honestly not surprised.

Kanye and Taylor thing- People will get over it.

I absolutely loved the MJ, lady GaGa and Beyonce performances though.
