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Jun 29, 2007
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Please vote i really want a answer i am a curios person ;)

I'd prefer to be an only child.

I have an older sister of 10.5 years and I can't stand her. All we ever do is argue about any little thing. I'm just happy that she's moved out and away from me.

I would want a baby sister, I have an older sister but I'd want a younger one as well.

There's no chance in that happening as when I was born my mum & dad decided they didn't want anymore, they'd decided after they'd started trying for me - but too late I'd already wormed my way in ;) .

My mum made my dad get the snip, after I was born - so he can't have anymore children anyway.

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I always wished I had an older sister.

My little brother is pretty cool though. :]

I have i little sister and a little brother and i hate it

I think I have enough siblings and trust me I can't stand them!

Please vote i really want a answer i am a curios person :furawatchi:
I think for this poll you forgot to put "I already have a sibling" in it :furawatchi:

I think for this poll you forgot to put "I already have a sibling" in it :lol:
No i am trying to say what kind of sibling you would want if you could chose :furawatchi:

arghhhhhhhhhhhh my siblings are annoying especially my little brother :)

If I could'nt be an only child, I would choose to have a younger sister that I could teach. :(

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Same, UrTtChi. :(

I'd like a younger sister too, who I'd play games with, teach, sing songs to. Lol, ok, I'm pretty good with kids.

No siblings...

It'd mean I got a bigger room and no annoying people asking me 'how do you spell this?' and 'what does that mean?'

Actually, I'm really happy with what I have right now. =]

I have a cool older brother, and well...An "Ok" Younger sister. (She has her moments)

But I wouldn't wish for anything DIFFERENT!

I would HATE to be an only child. :[ I'd be so bored most of the time.

And i wouldn't like being the oldest, because then I have to "Look out" for my younger siblings. And I wouldn't like being the youngest, because well..I'd get bossed around more.


I like the middle the best because I have some to look up to, and someone to look out for. :]~♥

if i had a sibling ( i do he is 18 ) i would want an older 1 cause then u get all the attention! and u get 2 be mean 2 them. lol. just kiding i luv my brother alot. we never argrue so i am happy the way every thing is

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