Warm, Bubbly Suicide. Our story will live on!


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Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Southern Ontario
We're so awesome we got the P!ATD topic closed. xDDD

Everyone sat in the room, in total disbelief. They didn't know what to say or do, everyone sat in their chair, lost in their own thoughts. Ryan hung his head down, his eyes watering.

"It's okay, Ryan." Jon said to Ryan, giving him a pat on the back.

"I-I just can't b-believe it" Ryan said, talking between sobs.

"I'm sorry, Ryan, but we you guys really needed to know the truth." Alex said, holding back her tears.

"Sometimes the truth can hurt, but I think Alex needed to tell someone, not just her doctors." Allie said, head in hands.

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same" House mumbled, trying not to get too emotional.

"But, why?" Patrick said, resting his head on Allie's shoulder, trying not to cry.

Now it's Alex's turn to write xD

I'm posting the whole thing. I'll probbably edit it later but.... you know, all in one topic XD

here goes: XD


(Uh… Again XD)

Alison sat back in confusion as she watched House whisper in Alex's ear. They seem to have come to a conclusion. Alex nodded quickly and sat back against the bed frame. There was a brief silence, but Alex was the first to speak.

"We agree with you. We think that we should use both the titles."



(Yes. 8D.


I wanna write part of a story D:)

As Allie saw Alex and House whispering to each other, she thought to herself

"Oh, forget it." And got her DS and videotaped some Trauma Center speed runs.

"What's this?" She thought. Her camera turned off.

'WARNING! BATTERY EXHAUSTED!' It said. Allie stood up and yelled

"WHAT THE HELL? dang BATTERY RAN OUT!" (Filtered. xDD) Then, Patrick Stump started up at Allie and told her to calm down. Allie calmed down as Patrick walked over to her and played a new FOB song for her on his acoustic.

(I suck at writing, don't I? XD And the camera thing just happened Dx I'm putting some new batteries in it right now.)


Alex sat up from the bed, and stood up. She looked pale. The others looked up at her. She slowly walked to the window. She was different. The steps were slow and long. She hung her head, and breathed slowly. When she got to the window, She clutched the frame tightly and looked down... down.

House let out a low chuckle.

"You're weird."


We're making history! We're the first to role-play in the P!ATD topic XD )


(Yaaaay role-play xD)

Allie replied to House

"We all know that. Stop stating the obvious." Alex turned around and threatened House

"If you don't shut up, I'll slap the s**t outta you with your cane!" House replied in a sarcastic tone

"But you can't hurt a cripple!" "Allie butted into it.

"YOU'RE BOTH CRIPPLES!" Then Allie turned to put on Camisado to calm down Alex, but she saw a figure in the doorway. It was Jon Walker and Alex's cousin.

(-gasp- WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT! O: [/dramatic])


Alex help up her finger, and opened her mouth like she was going to say something. Then she ran out of the room.

After about five minutes, she came back. Instead of the hospital gown, she was wearing jeans and a dark t-shirt.

"Hi Alex!" Her cousin said enthusiastically. Alex ran in their direction with her arms open wide. She stepped out to hug her. Alex shoved her aside and hugged Jon. House laughed.

"Wait... what happened?" Said Brendon, still on the phone.

"If you care that much, then you should just come." House said sarcastically.

"Um... okay." He said.

Allie's face lit up. Before she he hung up, Alex screamed

"And bring Ryan!!"




Noticing it was her Lunch break in ten minutes, Allie put on some shorts and a t-shirt.

"We're all going out for lunch today!" she exclaimed.

When Brendon and Ryan came, Alex excitedly got up and greeted them with a hug. Patrick told them about their plans for lunch. Everyone went over to the Olive Garden for lunch. All six of them got into Allie's van.

"What the frick smells so much?" House yelled over everyone's voices.

Allie turned around and said

"Geez, it's hard to play hockey and not sweat! Go put some deodorant on, you smelly old man!"

Alex, Patrick, Brendon, and Ryan just sat there and laughed mentally at Allie and House's little discussion while they exchanged glances.


Alex shifted in her seat.

Small spaces plus lots of people equal Spazzwaffleness.

After a while of the same, Patrick got a phone call.

"Yeah... Yeah... Okay. Actually... We're right there. Allie, Stop!" Patrick shouted. She slammed on the breaks.

"What the hell is it?!" She yelled.

"We're picking someone up."

Before anything else was said, the door opened from the outside.

"Hey Pete." Patrick said. Pete Wentz nodded.

"Is there, uh, room for me?" Pete asked.

"You can sit in my lap!" Alex exclaimed. Allie shot her a look.


So Pete got in and sat on Alex's lap.

"Hey, what sme..." Pete got cut off by Allie

"I suggest you don't bring that up. It's hard to play hockey and not sweat. You don't want the same thing I did to House." Allie said. Everyone laughed as Allie turned into the parking lot of the Olive Garden.

"I SIT BESIDE JON AND PETE!" Alex yelled into House's ear.

"Geez, I may have a bum leg but I'm not deaf, you retard!" House blurted out.

"I sit beside Patrick!" Allie said.

"Oh, so no love for me and Brendon?" Ryan interrupted.

"Brendon can sit across from me and you can sit to my other side." Allie said.

"HEY! No one cares for the doctor who could end up saving your lives when you have a bad case of an undiagnosed disease?!" House sarcastically replied.

"Yeah, No one really cares for bastards." Pete mumbled to Alex.


They walked into Olive Garden. They did their best to ignore the strange looks they were getting. When they were being seated, the waitress kept staring at Brendon.

"You know, you look really familiar." She said.

"My god Allie, I still can't believe you wouldn’t use my handicapped sticker." House said.

"Just because you're old and whiney doesn't mean you can't walk." Allie said with a laugh.

When they were seated, they didn’t really say much.

"So... How are things with you and Ashlee?" Alex said to Pete.

"You know... Kinda rough." He replied. A huge grin spread across Alex's face. Allie kicked her under the table.

(That reminds me of something. One time at an Olive Garden the waiter was like "You look familiar! Have you been here before?" And I was in Myrtle Beach XD)

House saw what was going on, and immediately butted in.

"Ooooooh! Alex's in love with this emo! Let me see your cell phone, Pete, I'll go tell Ashlee why things are rough between you two! This is better than your mancrush with John Mayer!"

"Wow. You really are a pain in the a**! Mind if I borrow a Vicodin?" Pete said back.

"Why don't both of you shut the hell up? Eat some of these breadsticks so you can give your mouth something better to do!" Brendon said.

Allie turned to Patrick and started a conversation, ignoring the argument between House and Pete.

"So, maybe this was a bad idea after all" Allie managed a laugh out and she listened into House swearing at Pete and just couldn't help it.

"Haha, not really. Usually the fans we meet just start squealing our names and ask for some hugs, 50 autographs, 30 pictures with each band member...haha. You're keeping it pretty cool compared to the fangirls." Patrick replied, staring into Allie's shining green eyes.


Alex smiled brightly at Allie. She nudged her.

"You know, love's NOT as easy as The songs say." Alex laughed. Allie kicked her under the table again.

"What The hell?!" House said, and quickly stood up.

"What, what?" Ryan asked.

"He," House pointed a finger at Pete, "just grabbed something!"

"What?! No I didn’t!" Pete yelled beck. He stood up, knocking his chair over.

"Are you trying to tell me that I'm lying?"

"Well, you're sure as hell not telling the truth!"

Everyone anticipated what would happen next.

"Don't you just love catfights?" Patrick whispered into Allie's ear.


"Catfights are better on ice. It's easier NOT to get charged with assault for breaking someone's ribcage when you have all that equipment on." Allie whispered back.

Meanwhile, House stood up and limped over to Pete, who was ready for a fight to break out. Alex looked overly excited, and couldn't wait for some punches to be thrown. Someone had to stop it quick before the police got involved. Jon looked to his right, and saw the waiter with House's seafood dish and Brendon's capaletti.

"THE FOOD'S HERE!" Jon yelled to everyone at the table.

House limped back to his seat, as Pete picked up his chair and sat back down.

House sat down and told Pete

"I'm watching you."

"Thank god Jon saw the waiter with our food. One of them would have been charged with assault, imagine all the attention we'd get from the paparazzi." Patrick said as he took a bite of his salad.


"A salad, Patrick? That's real tough." House said sarcastically.

"Shut up, old man." Allie said.

When they got all their food, they were ready to eat. But everyone had confused looks on their faces.

"Uh... Where are all of the forks?" Brendon asked. They heard a clinking from under the table. They pulled aside the long white tablecloth and looked down.

Alex was swinging her feet back and forth, each time kicking a plastic Wal-Mart bag she had near her feet. Pete pulled it up. He pulled the items out one by one.

"There are... The forks, Some Pills..."

"My Vicodin!" House shouted. Pete continued

"A bag of ice and... A raw potato." They all looked at Alex, who laughed a little too creepily.

Allison put her head in her hands.

"Maybe we should just go back."


(ONE L! Alison! xD)

Pete immediately disagreed with Allie, "We already got our food, so we may as well eat it if we're gonna have to pay for it! As long as I'm separated from House, it will be fine. Me and Brendon could switch spots so I'm on the opposite side of the table."

"That's sounds like a plan. We don't need to attract any paparazzi by having Pete fight a cripple."

"Wow. We should have done that BEFORE Pete apparently grabbed something." Patrick sighed.

"Hey! I was just reaching for my cell! I was gonna text Joe and Andy and tell them to come over and hang out with all of us at the mall after lunch!" Pete snapped.

"Yeah, House. You didn't need to start a fist fight over a cellphone!" Jon said.

"I'm leaving once I pay for my food. I have, uh, clinic duty to do." House said.

"CLINIC DUTY? I've seen your show. You're up to something." Alex said.

House looked up to her, while he was chewing on his food.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm seeing a hooker. That a better excuse than Clinic Duty?" House said.


(I'm sorry! It gets confusing!


XD I want to save this to a Word Document or something.)

Pete got his phone out, and texted Joe and Andy.

"So uh... How are we all?" Brendon tried.

"Brendon, just eat your food." Allie said sternly.

She turned to smile at Patrick. She turned to the other side, to be greeted by House looking at her from about three inches away.

"I see the light in your eyes." he said. She thanked him by slapping him across the face.

Joe and Andy came a few minutes later.

"Well that was fast" House said with his mouth full.

"I'm glad you two could cancel your busy and glamorous lives to eat with us."

"House, just shut up." Pete said. As House was about to reply, they saw a guy with a camera coming toward them.

"Not again..." Brendon said. Ryan had a strange look on his face.

"Hey... Isn’t that the guy that tried to steal your boxers?" he said to Pete. House replied;

"Boxers, Pete? I'm impressed."


(You should save it as a Word document so we can continue it when there's nothing else to talk about. Or if you're too lazy, I can xD

Diva, Kelsey, and Vivienne are gonna see this and go "WTF?")

"Uh, yeah. Let's not talk about it." Pete said, sounding pi**ed off.

"We should get out of here before more of these dipshits we call the paparazzi find us." Jon whispered to everyone.

They all paid for their meal and got out of the restaurant before more paparazzi came. When they went to get into Allie's van, they faced a little problem. Where will Joe and Andy sit?

"Oh crap, you guys are lucky this thing has Stow N' Go seating. We'll just put the seats down and you guys can sit on the floor." Allie told everyone.

"So, uh. Where are we gonna go?" Patrick asked.

Everyone wanted to go over to the mall. Hoping they wouldn't run into any more people with cameras, Allie started the van and backed out of the parking space.


(I'll save it... Wait...

Oh god, it's like... 6 pages XDD)

"I hate the mall." House said.

"And I hate cranky old men." muttered Pete.

House got the passenger seat, and Allie drove. Everyone else sat in a circle-ish thing in the back.

"I still don't see why I have to be the one to sit next to this... stuff." Ryan said, gesturing to Allie's hockey equipment. A Fall Out Boy song came on over the radio.

"Turn that s**t off." House said. Pete glared at him. House turned it off, and pulled out his guitar. He started playing.

Brendon, Ryan, Joe, and Patrick exchanged glances.

"Well what do you know?" Alex said. "The bastard's got talent."


(What in the world is going on in here?)



Shhh! Artists at work XD


(If you can't beat them, join them. Or something like that, eh?)

Diva ran in front of the car and waved her arms wildly. "WAIT! STOP!" She yelled. With her super awesomeness, she managed to get into the van while it was moving. With her super tininess, however, she was able to squeeze in. =D


(This is going to be painful and confusing. XD

To join, you first have to go to page 170 and read all of the way through. Then... maybe.

-Whispers with Allie-)


(I knew someone would come along and ask what the hell was going on. xD I just cut out a huge part so I could carry on Diva's part she added. xD)

Alex jumped out of the van excitedly, and ran over to CVS lady.

"Hi CVS lady! Remember me?!" She said.

"Oh yes I do. Razors are NOT for cutting, they are for shaving. And excessive eyeliner is just disgusting." She said, sounding unhappy.

"I know. It's fun annoying the CVS people" Alex said. Alex walked back over to the van where everyone was getting out. She noticed someone else...

"DIVAAAAAA!" Alex yelled.

Brendon turned to Ryan, "Wow. Alex sure has a lot of energy." He said.


(OKAY! But here how it needs to be:




So there's no skipping and confusion XD

Now I will write my part XDD)


Alex ran up to Diva, who collapsed when Alex jumped onto her back.

"Wait just one moment...." Alex said. She ran back to CVS lady, and wiped her eyes on her white shirt, leaving two huge black smears. Alex laughed and ran back into the van.

House looked at Alex.

"When was the last time you had you medication changed?"


Diva got up and dusted the dust of her skinny jeans. She looked at House. "Who the hell are you?" She asked. House glared at Diva and was about to say something when Alex introduced them.

Diva randomly popped a piece of gum in her mouth.


As they walked into the mall, everyone agreed on splitting up into pairs. It would've been too hard to go shopping as one big group.

As Diva walked off with Brendon and Ryan, Alex sneaked up on Jon and Pete and said "SHOPPING BUDDIES!"

Allie was long gone, playing Guitar Hero with Patrick and Joe at the GameStop.


Pete decided that Jon, Alex and him should go into a clothing store. Alex grinned as she watched Jon go straight to the belts.

"You know, I would totally fold a shirt for you." Alex said quietly.

Pete laughed as Jon pretended not to hear.

After a while they left the store. They passed a salon, and Jon said

"Hey Pete, how about a haircut?

"NO!" Alex shouted, and they all laughed.

"You know... I just realized something." Alex said after a few minutes. Alex smiled and looked at Pete. He understood. He started smiling and laughing uncontrollably.

Everyone had forgotten House.


(^ OMIGOD. I totally remember posting that. xDD)

Diva dragged Ryan and Brendon into Hot Topic. "You do remember that we don't wear this stuff anymore?" Ryan asked her. Diva looked up at them, with the puppy dog eyes. "You could always wear this stuff again." She smiled.

Brendon shrugged and looked over some of the eyeliner. "I do kind of miss the eyeliner." He said fondly.

"See?" Diva smiled "But if you're going to buy eyeliner, don't buy it from here." They walked out of the store without buying anything and headed towards the food court for drinks.


As Diva, Ryan, and Brendon were going for some drinks, they bumped into Allie, Patrick, and Joe.

"Oh, hey!" Patrick said.

"Hi...OHMYGOD! THERE'S A DAIRY QUEEN HERE?" Brendon said excitedly.

"Oh, yeah. Their brownie blizzard is awesome!" Joe replied.

"Allie, why don't you have anything?" Ryan asked.

"Well, if you don't remember, I have a severe peanut allergy and if I eat DQ I could die. Remember my story about almost dying after a hockey game from cross-contaminated pizza? I don't think you guys would want to go through that." Allie said

"Oh, yeah. My bad." Ryan said, feeling stupid for forgetting that.


"And God knows that having a trained doctor around wouldn’t be convenient."

They turned to see House sitting in a chair behind them.

"Forget something?" He asked.

"Oh, quit complaining. You're a big boy. if you really needed us, you couldn’t called." Allie said, smiling.

"I... uh... I don't know what you mean." he said.

"Oh, don't pretend that you didn’t get Pete’s number when you STOLE MY CELLPHONE last week."

She crossed her arms as the others tried not to laugh. They failed when the saw Alex, Jon, and PETE walk up behind House.

Through everyone's loud laughter, Pete asked Patrick

"Did I miss something...?"


Patrick nodded. "You could say that." He smirked.

Diva bit her lip. "Uh...so....what do you want to drink?" She asked.

Brendon was the only helpful one, and said

"I want a Red Bull."

This caught Jon's attention.

"You can't have a Red Bull. You'll go crazy." He said.

House stared at them blankly.

"Are your drinks seriously that important?"


"For Brendon, yeah. If he has a Red Bull he will go freaking NUTS!" Ryan said.

"While you guys have this conversation about drinks, we're going over to that sports collectibles store." Patrick said.

Patrick, Allie, and Joe walked over to the store as everyone else kept talking.

"Sports? Maybe you guys aren't as girly as I thought!" House yelled at them as they left.


Patrick laughed and looked over to Allie.

"He better have been talking to you." He said, smiling. Allie laughed.

Back at the table, Alex asked House.

"So, what do you want?" She said in a fake sing-song voice.

"Vicodin flavored slurpee" Pete coughed. Alex and Jon burst out laughing. Diva just smiled and said

"We're gonna go over... uh... there." She said quickly, and they walked away.

"I'm hungry." Jon said.


Brendon frowned, as he followed them.

"PLEASE can I have a Red Bull? You know, it only gets really bad if I have like...four. So I'll only have three."

"One." Ryan said, strictly.

"Two." Brendon shot back.

"One." Ryan said.

"If Brendon wants two Red Bulls he can have two Red Bulls. It won't affect you, Ryan." Diva shrugged, trying to surpress a giggle.

"You have no idea...." Ryan said, burying his head in his arms.

Alex, Diva, and Brendon walked to go get the drinks.


While Joe and Patrick were looking through some random stuff at the store, Allie immediately walked right over to the hockey section.

"OHMIGOSH!" Allie yelled.

Patrick turned around, "What did you find now that you had to spazz over?" Patrick laughed.

"They have an autographed game-worn jersey of ED BELFOUR!" Allie said while walking it over to the cashier.

"Who?" Patrick said.

"Oh, no one. JUST THE BEST FREAKING GOALIE EVER!" Allie replied.

As Allie was handing the cashier her money to buy the jersey, she heard something.


Her, Patrick and Joe all burst out laughing. Apparently House decided to learn how hyper Brendon is on Red Bull the hard way.


Diva walked into the sports store with Alex and Brendon. Each of them were balancing about three drinks.

Someone at the register shrieked "GET YOUR FREAKING DRINKS OUT OF MY STORE!"

They ran out, and waited outside to deliver the drinks to everyone in the store. Brendon handed Diva all the drinks he was holding, and walked into the store, all hyper.

"HI PATRICK!!" He screamed.


"Oh great. All we need is Brendon Urie on Red Bull." Patrick said to Allie.

Allie turned around,

"I guess I should stay away from eating Fun Dip and Pixie Sticks, then. That stuff gets me as hyper as Brendon on Red Bull."

Patrick laughed at the thought of Allie and Brendon getting all hyperactive off of energy drinks and powdered candy. As they left the store, all they saw was Brendon go up to House and give him a biiiiiiig hug.


As Urie embraced House, House reacted in the only way he knew how.

He beat Brendon with his cane.

Brendon screamed and stumbled back.

"My leg hurts." He said between gagging noises.

All of the sudden he grinned and started raising his eyebrows up and down, looking at Diva.

"Kiss it?" He asked.


Diva blushed slightly and handed her drinks to Alex (who was now holding about nine of them).

She helped him up and hugged him.

"It's okay." Was all she said.

Alex whined as four of the drinks hit the floor.

Everybody jumped away as to avoid getting their shoes wet.


Patrick and Allie stared at each other, grinning and trying to hold in their laugher. Alex walked off to get some napkins, hoping they weren't making a huge scene. Jon and Ryan walked off to GameStop, embarrassed to be a part of that commotion.

"No Ryan! Don't leave! I need a hug!" Brendon yelled at Ryan, who wanted to get away from Brendon until he calmed down.


“Pete! House loovves you.” Brendon said childishly. House’s eyes grew wide. Pete shook his head, laughing.

“What are you on?” Pete said. Brendon giggled.

“Red Bull!” He laughed. Before another fight broke out, Allie suggested

“Uh… Let’s go… Uh…”

“Let’s go buy eyeliner!” Brendon shouted, grinning at Diva.


"Uhm...yeah. Okay. Eyeliner. Allie won't come though." Diva laughed. Alex sighed in frustration and dropped the five remaining drinks on the floor. She walked off with Brendon and Diva.

As they walked to the beauty store, Brendon kept humming "Pete and House sitting in a tree...." under his breath.

As they walked, the randomly saw Spencer Smith sitting on a bench.

"SPENCIE!" Brendon shrieked. He ran to attack him with a hug. Alex and Diva watched in silence.

They could hear footsteps behind them.

"Hi Pete!" Alex waved happily.

"I need some eyeliner too." He explained.


As they were off to get some eyeliner, Patrick, Jon, Allie, Ryan, and House were still in the food court doing nothing.

"Well, that was awkward." House said, breaking the silence.

"No, really?" Allie said, being overly sarcastic.

"Shut up." House laughed.

"Wow! Everyone! did you hear that?! The miserable bastard actually laughed!" Ryan blurt out.

"I'm gonna go to that clothes store over there, anyone wanna come?" Patrick said.

"Meh. I may as well." Allie said, walking towards the store with Patrick.


Jon slowly backed away from the two, sensing the awkwardness that was sure to come.

"I'm gonna go with the others... To, uh, get eyeliner. Later." And he ran. Ryan and House watched Allie and Patrick walk away. Ryan sat next to House.

"It's okay." Ryan said.

"What?" house replied.

"You know... That..." House glared at him.


"Just... never mind." Ryan sighed.

And they sat in silence waiting for the rest to come back.

Back with Patrick and Allie, they were laughing in the store.

"You know, there's something I need to tell you."***He said to her.

"What?" she said.

He smiled and moved a little closer. Just as he was opening his mouth, he heard Diva scream


"I'll tell you later." He promised. They went to see what was so urgent.

(***I call dibs on this moment! NOBODY BUT ME CAN CREATE IT! It will come when it is time. And yes, this is very amusing XD

I love it.)


Allie turned around, eager to know what Patrick had to say,

"What?" She asked

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Diva said excitedly.

"Can't believe what?" Allie said, worried she might have heard what Patrick said.


"Are you serious?! I have to go there later, I'll wait untill Patrick's done looking at stuff in this store. Apparentaly I'm good at telling people if a shirt is ugly or not" Allie said, relieved.


Brendon hurried back to them, with Spencer.

"Help me." Spencer mouthed to Jon, when he saw him.

Jon did nothing but laugh not so discreetly. Spencer glared at him and somehow managed to pull his arm out of Brendon's hand.

Diva looked at them, trying her best not to laugh.

"Nobody wants to give me a hug." Brendon pouted.

"I already gave you a hug." Diva pointed out, matter-of-factly.

"I'll give you a hug!" Alex volunteered.

This earned her 'looks' from both Pete and Diva.

Alex shrugged, but hugged Brendon anyways.



Patrick and Allie walked towards the back of the store. They waited a few moments, and Allie said

"What was it that you had to tell me?"

"Well," he said. He grabbed Allie's hand.


"Oh, how cute." Said a sulky voice behind them. They turned to see House and Ryan.

"Do you enjoy ruining other people's moments?" Allie said angrily.

"It's not his fault." Ryan said quietly.

"It's just hi-"

This earned him a knock upside the head from House as a sign to not continue.


As Jon looked at Alex hugging Brendon, he couldn't hold in his laughter.

"Whaaat? Are you just jealous you don't get hugs from pretty girls?" Brendon said

"No, I just find it funny that you do while you're all hypered up on Red Bull." Jon said back.

"Heeeeeeeey, what's going on guys? Wait, WHEN DID SPENCER GET HERE?" Ryan butted in

"When did I get here? About an hour ago and I just saw the guys ten minutes ago, where were you?" Spencer said.

"Oh, just ruining some moments with House." Ryan laughed.


Ryan whispered something to Alex. And interesting look crossed her face.

"Do they sell whiskey here?" House asked.

"You don't need Vicodin and whiskey. Choose one." Pete said angrily.

Well, I'm going to look. You-" He pointed at Ryan.

"Come with me."

And they left. They all looked confused.

"What's with them?" Diva asked.

"Ryan's special." Alex said.

"And it takes a special person for House to talk to."

This didn't clear it up. If anything, they were more confused.


(I is confuzzled Dx

Diva's turn. )



This thing is just too amusing.)

Spencer stared at them.

"Why did I get stuck with you guys?" He asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Diva muttered, angrily.

"I meant Brendon. He's acting drunk. Did you give him Red Bull?" Spencer asked.

Alex pointed at Diva.

"She let him."

"Oh crap. He's going to kill me." Diva said, running towards the escalators.


(Know what? Know what Patrick wants to say, or know what House's issue is?

I have them both planned, but I don't know if I want to use the one with House x3 )


(Bye Diva D:


Okay. I shall go now =3)

"Wow. House really has some issues." Allie sighed, anxious to know what Patrick had to say.

"Yeah, I know! I'll tell you when we're positive there's no one around to drop in like that." Patrick said.

Allie agreed with what Patrick said, and they walked out of the store to see what everyone else was up to.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Allie said.

"Oh, nothing big. Brendon's just acting drunk and Diva ran away, nothing interesting." Spencer said, sounding very annoyed.

"Are you serious? Brendon's still hyped up on Red Bull?" Patrick laughed.

"No, seriously, it's not very funny when Brendon is walking around asking for hugs." Andy sighed. (We forgot about Andy xDD)

"Oh great. Not again." Patrick said, he sounding nervous.

"What's wrong, Patrick? you seem nervous or something." Pete said

"O-oh, I-It's nothing, really." Patrick said, stumbling on his words.


They stood out in front of the mall.

"I think we should look for Diva." Brendon said excitedly.

"Yeah... We should." Allie agreed.

"Me, House, and Ryan can go this way." Alex said, pointing down one end of the road. She smiled.

"Patrick Allie, you go down that way." She pointed to the opposite side towards a road that lead to a park.

"And everyone else, search around the mall." She said.

And they set off.

Right as they split up, Diva heard part of what Alex and House were saying.

House gave her a look, and she nodded.

"I know." Alex said simply.


(-is confused- I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENESSSSS [/spazzattack])

"Okay, I'll look in the Hot Topic. I know for a fact Diva loves that store." Jon laughed.

"Okay, you can look in the area around the Hot Topic, and we'll split up into different areas." Pete said.

"Wow, Pete. You are taking this like a friggen search and rescue mission, I don't think she's been taken hostage or attacked by a cougar." Joe said, smiling.

"Oh shut up, you go look over there" Pete replied.

Andy turned to Brendon, "I wonder what's going on with Patrick. When him and Allie came back from that store he seemed really nervous or confused or something, do you think something could have happened?"

"Who knows, only time will tell." Brendon said.


Ryan, Alex, and House walked slowly down the road.

"You know Diva never left the mall, don't you." House asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah." She said. She stared out him.

"So... Ryan told you." He said.

"Yeah. But I didn't need him to tell me for me to know." She smiled, in a less amused, but more ironic way.

"It's pretty much screwed up my life." He said.

House sighed.


Jon looked into a few stores, not finding Diva.

"Where do you think she is?" Jon asked.

"In heaven?" Brendon suggested, still slightly drunk.

Jon rolled his eyes and kept looking.

Meanwhile, Diva was in Baskin Robbins. She was reading a newspaper article and eating a chocolate ice cream.


Halfway through the search, Ryan happened to find a bored out of his mind Pete sitting and eating a sub from Subway.

"What the hell, Pete?" We're supposed to be looking for Diva!" Ryan yelled at him.

"Don't be so harsh, I'll keep looking when I'm done my friggin poutine." Pete said.

"Yeah, if you ever finish it..." Ryan mumbled under his breath

Fifteen minutes of searching the mall, and still no signs of Diva.

Meanwhile, Allie and Patrick are walking down the road that leads to the park, looking for Diva. When they got to the park they just sat down on a bench.

"Today's been pretty tiring." Patrick said, breaking the silence

"Yeah, gotta agree with you on that. We may as well just stay here. It pretty obvious Diva would stay in the mall." Allie sighed.

Patrick nodded. After that the two didn't say anything, they just sat there in an awkward silence. They didn't know what to say to each other...


Allie and Patrick walked to a little bench. The sun was going down, but there were clouds in the sky. They heard a crash of thunder. It was going to rain.

"How convenient." Patrick said to Allie, laughing. She couldn't wait any longer.

"So... What did you want to tell me?" She asked. He looked down. She knew.

"It's just... Hard to put it into words." He said, smiling. Thunder crashed. She thought.

"Then... Don't." She said. He understood.

He crashed his lips onto hers.

Rain fell down.

(I couldn’t resist XD

Hope you're not disappointed O:)


Brendon wandered into Baskin Robbins. He smiled and waved at Diva.

"Hi Diva." He said. She waved back, still engrossed in her newspaper.

After realizing what had just happened, he yelled "I FOUND HER!!"

Diva covered her ears. "Found who?" She asked, stupidly.

"We were looking for you after Spencie chased you away." Brendon said, sitting down across from her. He tilted the newspaper back. "Watcha' reading?" He asked.

"Nothing. The news." Diva said, folding the newspaper up, as everyone else joined them, Pete with his sub.

"For college. Journalism major." She finished, just as they all sat down.


"I love you too, Patrick." Allie replied, smiling.

Now it was starting to rain really hard.

"Ah, crap. We should probably get back to the mall, the guys are probably wondering where we are." Patrick said.

"Last one there's a rotten egg!" Allie exclaimed

They both ran back to the mall, laughing and exchanging smiles the whole time, not worrying about the world around them one bit.

Back at the mall, the guys were getting worried about where everyone was. The rain was really starting to come down.

"Maybe we should go out and find everyone else. House is probably having a fit over the rain" Andy joked.

"No, let's just stay here. They will come back, if they don't, that's why cellhphones were invented." Ryan said

"Oh, there's two less people we have to worry about" Diva said, as Allie and Patrick can running through the doors of the mall, laughing at how soaked they were.

"Wow, you guys sure are happy considering the rain's coming down pretty hard and all we can hear is thunder" Pete said, confused as to why they were so happy.


What the remaining people that stayed at the mall saw that moment, they will never forget.

On one side, they saw two people running in the rain. On the other, they saw three approaching figures.

As Allie and Patrick approached them, they were running, soaking wet, and smiling like idiots. Allie was in front. Right before she reached the finishing point, Patrick stopped her with an embrace. They both fell laughing.

From the other side, they saw Alex, Ryan and House walking.

Ryan had a blank look on his face. Alex looked happy and... Accomplished. And though he will never admit it, House appeared to have been crying.

"I think we've missed something." Said Jon.


dang it. I should've read your post more clearly XD)


The two sides really confused the guys still in the mall.

One one side, Patrick and Allie are happy as ever, almost as if they were a couple.

On the other, House is almost crying and Ryan and Alex look totally depressed.

"Oh my god, what could've happened?" Diva said

"I don't know, but there was obviously something huge going on in both sides." Pete replied, not knowing what to say when they approached the guys.

"Well, whatever happened we're gonna need to be ready for some huge emotional blows." Jon said, with almost no expression on his face or in his voice.

Everyone sat there, lost in their thoughts. Not knowing what to feel, not knowing what to do.


Everyone ran into the van soaking wet, House limping up into the passenger seat. Allie started up the van as soon as her seatbelt was on, and got right out of the parking lot.

"What are you late for?" Jon asked.


Everyone fell silent.

"Haha, sorry. I'm just a little stressed right now." Allie forced a fake smile onto her face.


They rode in silence.

"What do you think House wants to tell us?" Spencer whispered softly.

Brendon shrugged. "He seemed....different." He replied.

"Glad to see you've sobered down." Spencer said.

Diva, who was stuck between Brendon and Jon, glanced over at House.

She couldn't figure it out. Nothing made sense.

"And what's going on with Patrick and Allie?" Jon asked.

Diva rolled her eyes. "Guys are oblivious to everything, aren't they?" She said.


"Life can get really confusing sometimes" Joe sighed, joining in on their little conversation

"Psh, tell me about it. Life is the most dang confusing thing ever." Pete replied

"I guess we're gonna have to wait and find out, it will probably be a while untill Allie calms down, haha" Jon said, forcing a smile onto his face.

"But whatever's going on, we definitely missed something big. I mean 'Ms.Ispeaksarcasmasasecondlanguage' was smiling Something's definitely up between those two." Brendon agreed.

"And House on the other hand, never looks that depressed." Spencer added in.


"First of all, isn't it obvious what's up with them?" Diva sighed. "And second, the reason we don't know what happened to House is your fault." She was speaking to Brendon.

"If your watch hadn't beeped..." She continued.

"I'm sorry." Brendon rolled his eyes and pulled her in to an embrace, or at least as much of an embrace that was possible in an over crammed car.

"I don't see what's happening with them." Pete said blankly.

Diva raised her voice to that of a stage whisper. "It's obvious that Allie and Patrick are-"

She got cut off by Allie yelling at her to shut up.


Allie thought to herself "Oh great, they're on to us. It's gonna be hard to try and hide this from them for as long as we have to."

"Geez, guys. Isn't it possible to have a best friend who isn't the same gender as you? Right Patrick?" Allie said, giving Patrick some sort of hand gesture or signal.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Patrick said, knowing she was just covering it up.

"No, it's pretty obvious you guys are..." Spencer got interrupted.

"Why don't you talk about what the old bastard's problem is, instead?" Allie said, getting even more stressed.

"There's nothing wrong with me!" House said, sounding miserable as ever.


"See? Spencer gets it." Diva muttered.

"When do you plan to tell us?" Spencer smirked.

"Tell you what?" Allie asked, innocently.

"House's problem is that Pete doesn't like him back." Brendon said, in an attempt to change the subject.

"Can someone please tell me where the hell we're going?" Jon asked.

Allie said nothing and kept driving.

"We'll figure it out sooner or later. Just like we figured out what was up with you and Patrick." Diva said, getting annoyed.

Allie still said nothing.


As they pulled into the parking lot of the Hospital, Allie remembered something.

"You know, I never signed you out." She said to Alex. Alex grinned.

"So... nobody at that hellhole knows why I left, where I went, or who I'm with?"

"Uh... Yeah, pretty much." Allie replied. House laughed.

"Well you're in deep s**t then, huh." He said. She hit upside the head.

"So the only option is..." Alex continued. Allie nodded.

"We're going to have to sneak you in."


"This should be interesting..." Jon said, raising his eyebrows.

"We don't have to do anything, right?" Pete asked.

"I don't see why you would have too..." Diva answered slowly

"We probably shouldn't be here in the first place."


"Don't worry, Alex. I know how to get you back in." Allie said, mapping out the hospital in her head.

"Uh, we have a problem. You can't just leave us with your hockey equipment which just happens to smell like a pile of s**t." Pete added.

"Suck it up, princess. If it's THAT bad, I have Febreeze in my bag for the hotel rooms at my tournaments." Allie snapped.

"Like anyone would want to go get it." Pete shot back.

"Then you'll have to get used to it, just like I did. Besides, we need to get Alex back. I really don't care about what you think of my hockey equipment right now. Just stay here and I'll call someone's cell when we're in Alex's room" Allie said.

"Welcome to hell!" Pete announced to everyone.

Now Allie's only worry was to get back into the hospital without getting into some huge trouble.

"Okay, we need to get to that exit" Allie told Alex, pointing at a door.

"Okay. One, two, three, GO!" Alex said, both of them running through the rain towards the exit, hoping no one would be suspicious if they were soaking wet. they were already wet from the little search party for Diva, but Allie just wanted to get back into that hospital.


"Oh, shut up and follow me." Allie said to everyone. They ran across the parking lot.

"HOLD HANDS CROSSING THE STREET!" Brendon giggled, grabbing Diva's hand. Ryan sighed.

They ran through a back door, and went into the elevator. They all stood in the small room for a moment, and heard a thump. They turned.

Alex had dropped in the corner. She was in a fetal position, rocking back and forth. Her eyes were wide.

"Get up." House said, and hit her with his cane. This earned him a good kick in the crotch. Pete laugh, and House kicked him in the shins. Pete stumbled onto Brendon, who knocked over Diva. When she was falling, she grabbed onto Allie for support who fell, in turn knocking over Patrick. They heard a bell, and the door opened. They all fell out and were on the ground in front of the elevator, Except for Alex who was still in the corner.

Just then, Foreman walked by. He saw Alex, and knew she was missing. He pointed at her.

"You-" He saw the others stumbling to get up on the ground.

"Just... Never mind."

And he walked away.


"That was dramatic." Allie said, after a short silence.

"Are you okay?" Patrick asked Allie, ignoring the others.

Allie nodded "Yeah. I guess we can just get Alex back in then."

Alex, however, didn't move. She was still sitting on the ground. Allie had to pull her up.

Spencer remembered something. "What did you want to tell us?" He asked House.


"Oh, uh, it's nothing. I'll tell you in Alex's room, when everything’s going a bit more normally." House sighed

"I think we need to prepare for some huge emotional scene with House, he seems really sad lately" Patrick whispered to Allie

"Yeah, and they're getting really suspicious about us, I think we need to cover this up more well until the right time." Allie whispered back.

"Hey! Lovebirds! Stop talking to each other and get in the elevator!" House said at them.

They walked into the elevator with everyone else, everyone seemed really anxious about House, not to mention Alex and Ryan look totally petrified. They were all preparing for something huge, something unimaginable.


They all solemnly walked into Alex's room. She lay down on the bed, on top of the covers. Allie went to a few rooms, so she could get enough chairs for everyone. She asked everyone to help her carry them in. The only people that stayed in the room were Alex and House. Pete stood outside of the door, while the others walked down the hall. He left the door cracked. He listened.

Alex turned to the side, hanging her feet off of the bed, sitting, facing House in the chair. he was strumming on his guitar, but you could tell something was on his mind.

"You know, it's okay." She said. He looked up. Allie had been assigned the late shift now, so there wasn't much light in the room.

"I... You don't understand. None of them will." he said. She looked him in the eyes, which she doesn’t do often.

"I understand. If anyone does, it's me." She said confidently. The tips of her bare feet touched the cold tile.

"Do they know why you're here?" he asked her. She looked down.

"No." She said.

"But I'm going to tell them. And do you know why? Because they care. They all care about us. You know that, I know you do."

"Yeah." he said.

Just then, Pete walked in the door.


Alex turned to face Pete.

"H-hi." She stuttered. She wondered if he had been listening to their conversation.

Pete leaned against the wall. He made no sign of showing that he had been listening to them.

"Were...were you..." Alex started to ask, but then changed her mind and said nothing.

There was a random feeling of awkwardness in the room. Nobody really knew what to say.

Then, the others walked in with chairs. After everyone was sitting down, and comfortable, Allie spoke.

"Okay, so what's going on?"


"Yeah, you've seemed really depressed lately. It's worrying us." Jon said, you could hear the worry in his voice.

"B-But I thought you guys wouldn't care about me." House stuttered.

"Well, believe it or not, we do care about you." Allie reassured him.


When everyone was in the room, she glanced at Pete. He nodded. He knew.

"So... Uh, Alex. Why are you in here?" Pete asked. Only three people in the room knew. Alex, House, and Allie. Alex was going to break down soon, they could tell. Allie handed he a small white board and a marker. She wrote, and held it up.

It was one word. It was written in shaky handwriting. One word, in all capital letters. It was only one word, but it scared them all.


She looked down.


Everyone stared at Alex.

"But...why?" Jon asked.

Alex shrugged and looked away.

"Wait...did she...attempt it?" Joe asked Allie. (Can't forget Joe.)

Allie didn't say anything. It was all silence.

They were all looking at Alex, waiting...wondering if she would go on.


Everyone sat in the room, in total disbelief. They didn't know what to say or do, everyone sat in their chair, lost in their own thoughts. Ryan hung his head down, his eyes watering.

"It's okay, Ryan." Jon said to Ryan, giving him a pat on the back.

"I-I just can't b-believe it" Ryan said, talking between sobs.

"I'm sorry, Ryan, but we you guys really needed to know the truth." Alex said, holding back her tears.

"Sometimes the truth can hurt, but I think Alex needed to tell someone, not just her doctors." Allie said, head in hands.

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same" House mumbled, trying not to get too emotional.

"But, why?" Patrick said, resting his head on Allie's shoulder, trying not to cry.


Now I'll Go XD

"I was also diagnosed with psychotic depression" Alex said. She hung her head. there were a lot of questions in the air, but Ryan seemed boldest.

"So... Um... Why could'nt you. Like, what stopped you?

"Now that is an interesting story." House said with an ironic laugh. Alex pointed a pale finger. At Allie. She looked down.

"How?" ryan asked.

(Your call, Allie XD)

How what? xDDD Oh well. I'll try my best to figure out what you're saying.

"Uh, Alex, are you sure you want everyone to know how it happened?" Allie said hesitantly

"Yeah, if I already told them about my depression, they may as well know the story behind it." Alex sighed.

"Okay. Well, I must warn you guys that if you don't want to hear any more, you might want to step out for a second." Allie warned.

Patrick immidiantly took his head off of Allie's shoulder and stood up.

"Sorry, I just can't hear any more of this story." Patrick said, choking back his tears.

"I...understand" Allie said, hugging Patrick.

"I love you" Patrick whispered into Allie's ear. He stepped out the door, and sat on the bench beside her room, wiping away tears.

"Okay, well, here's the story. Alex's depression was worsening. She was getting more urges to kill herself. And finally, she jumped in front of a moving car. She was taken to this hospital, but the doctors thought there was more to her condition than the trauma from the car. She was taken to us, and was diagnosed with phycotic depression." Allie said, stopping in between sentences to wipe away tears.

Everyone in the room sat in silence, most of them trying to hold back their tears.

Alex's hand slowly found House's. He held it tight. What the rest of them did'nt know is that he had been there for her the entire time.

All eyes were on her. they waited for something to happen. Allie slowly made her way over to the bed. She sat and put her arm around Alex.

Alex finally broke down. Tears started to trickle from her eyes. All of the sudden, she looked up at Pete.

"What do you fear?"

She asked.

"What do I fear? what the hell kind of question is that?" Pete said, not even caring about what Allie had just said.

"Oh, it's just great that you don't care about the fact Alex comitted suicide, you bastard!" Allie yelled as she stormed out of the room.

As she walked out of the room, crying half from anger and half from sadness, she sat on the bench beside Patrick. All she did was lay her head of his shoulder and start to cry.

"What wrong?" Patrick asked, Allie could hear the worry in his voice.

"Oh, i-it's nothing. Pete is just being a b-bastard." Allie said, stuttering on her words between sobs.

"Yeah, he can be an unemotional bastard sometimes." Patrick sighed.

"I can believe that." Allie said, holding Patrick closer.

Back in Alex's room, verbal threats were being thrown everywhere.

"Good job, you bastard! You just turned Allie into an emotional wreck! we don't need that right now!" Ryan snapped at Pete.

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ALL THIS s**t RIGHT NOW!" Alex managed to yell over everyone voice, "And you think all this talk is helping me?"

Alex stood up, and ran out of the room. House looked over at Diva.

"Watch out for her." He said. She understood and followed Alex quietly.

There was nobody else on the floor but Alex and Diva. She heard water runninf in the bathroom. She cracked the door and peeked in. She saw a girl. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. Just like Alex. SHe had black hair, and ghostwhite skin, just like Alex. She wasn't wearing shoes, and neither did Alex.

She was tall, lank, and bent over the sink, watching the water run. It looked like Alex, but this time it was different. This time, she saw inside.

"I never meant for it to be this way." Alex said, half to Diva, half to herself.

Back in the room, here was silence. But Pete was questioning.

"Why are you here?" he said to House.

"Why do you care?"

House sighed.

"Five years ago. Five years ago, I was depressed, and unhappy with my life. I wasn't young any more, and I wasn't happy. Five years ago, I found a runaway girl in the streets, alone, and homeless. She was sixteen years old, and her name was Alex. So I brought her to the only person I knew to bring her to. I brought her to Allie."


Andy had a look of total disbelief on his face, he coudln't take it anymore.

"Uh, guys, I'm gonna go outside. I can't handle this anymore. The more truth we're told, the more it hurts." Andy said, hanging his head down as he left the room.

"So that's why you and Allie are here, with us, today?" Brendon said.

"Yeah, pretty much. I understood what Alex felt, she was lonely and hated her life. Just like me." House said, getting more depressed everytime he told more of this story.

"So you took her to Allie? But why?" Brendon asked, wiping away a tear.

Back outside Alex's room, Andy, Allie, and Patrick were sitting on a bench, not saying a word. They were drowned in their thoughts. They had so much more to ask, but they couldn't bear the truth anymore. It hurt too much. Finally, Allie broke the silence.

"Truth is stranger than fiction." She said.

"Tell me about it." Andy said, depressed as ever.

"Isn't it amazing how one little word can change your whole life? I had so much fun with you guys today, but now we're sitting in a hospital, crying on each other's shoulder, trying to make it better. But instead, it just gets worse." Allie said.

(Okay, I'm really begining to love this story 8D

BTW, I'm making you currently 22.)

House looked up at Brendon

"I took her to Allie becuase... Well, Allie was my best friend."

This caught them slightly off guard.

"Now, six years ago, I met a girl. She was sixteen years old. This girl saved my life." He said.

"How?" Brendon asked.

"We met at a bridge. I was drunk and depressed. I was standing on the railing, ready to just... jump. Right as I was fallinf forward, ready to die, someone jerked me back. I fell back onto the concrete. I tried to pusgh her away, so I could finisgh my life, but she would'nt let me." he laughed. "She sat on my chest until I agreed not to jump. I walked back to my apartment with her. She stayed there for three days to make sure I didn't try anything. And ever since... I don't know. Then, a year later, I found Alex."


Outside, Andy, Allie, and Patrick were sitting in silence again.

They were probably all thinking the same things...wanting to ask the same questions...

But they remained silent. Of course, Allie knew everything.

Then, something crossed Andy's mind.

"Why did he choose to tell us now? When we were all in such a great mood?" He asked, confused.

Patrick and Allie looked at him. Neither knew what to say.


"I guess if he told us when we were already in a bad mood, we would be in an even worse mood." Patrick said, head in hands.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm gonna try and get some sleep, I'll see you guys later." Andy sighed.

"But I just don't get it, either. One minute we're running through the rain like idiots, and having a great time. But now we're in a hospital, confused as hell." Allie said.

"But at least you're always there for me and I always have a sholder to cry on." Patrick added, allie forcing a smile onto her face for what seems like the millionth time that day.

"This is just so confusing, I can't believe some people are still in there listening to the rest of the story. I wonder if they heard about how I saved his life yet." Allie said.

Patrick's head instantly popped up from his hands, "You saved House's life?!"

"Yeah, one day we met at a bridge. House was drunk and hated his life. He jumped off the bridge, but I grabbed his shirt and he fell backwards onto the pavement. I actually had to sit on top of him untill he agreed not to jump." Allie said, letting out a weak laugh.

"Thats, just...wow." Patrick said, stumbling on what to say from total disbelief.

"Yeah. We were pretty much best friends." Allie said.

"Wow, I could never see you two getting along." Patrick joked.

"I wonder how Alex is doing, I saw her leave the room a few minutes ago. I think what Pete did made people throw more than a few verbal threats. I could hear everyone swearing at each other from here. I'm gonna go find her, I think things with her might have gotten worse, I'm really worried." Allie said, slowing starting to gain her composure .

So Allie left. Patrick went into the room to try and calm everyone down. or at leats to tell them that Andy left.

When he walked in, he was surprised. Pete and house were talking quietly near Alex's bed. Jon, Spencer, and Ryan were playing cards. And Brendon was in Alex's bed sleeping, and snoring really loudly.

Allie wandered that halls, confused. So much had happened in the last few hours. She was about to sit down, when she saw Diva walking alone.

"What happened?" Allie asked. "Where's Alex? A-" She noticed Diva was crying.

"I'm going back to the room." Diva said. "Alex is in the breakroom." And they went seperate ways. She walked to the end of the hall and opened the door. What she saw surprised her. Alex was in a chair. Her legs were pulled up close to her body, and she had coffee in her hand. She was talking and crying. in the other chair was Wilson.

Oh. I kinda forgot about myself...

After calming herself down, Diva entered the room. A few people turned to look at her.

"What happened?" She asked, sitting down at the foot of the bed.

Jon looked up and relayed the story to her, in a monotone voice.

Diva said nothing and just nodded. She sat down at the table with Jon, Spencer, and Ryan and watched their game silently. Hardly anyone spoke. There was just the muffled whispers of House and Pete.

Back in the breakroom, Allie slowly opened the door, and walked in.

"Oh, Alex. That's were you've been! I just wanted to come in and check up on you. You seemed really mad when you left." Allie said.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better now-" Alex got cut off by someone yelling across the hall.

Jon needed Allie urgently, "ALLIE! GET IN HERE! FAST!"

"What's going on now?" Allie asked as she ran down the hall to the room, hoping nothing too huge happened.

"You have to see this!" Jon laughed.

Allie was relieved when she found out nothing bad was happening. Instead, she saw Spencer put Brendon's hand in some warm water. She was glad most of the guys were in a better mood than before, Allie always hates it when everyone is miserable, but at least everyone supported each other through it.

All of a sudden, Brendon woke up "WHAT THE HELL, SPENCER?"

Everyone burst out laughing.

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