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But you dropped it so that why it doesn't work, it's like saying that if I dropped my new iPhone on the floor and the screen wouldn't respond to touch, I wouldn't call it a glitch because I caused it by dropping my IPhone. it's the same with your V6. It's not a glitch because you dropped it and it broke.
People just don't understand what is and what isn't a glitch. For example, I once saw someone complaining that their tamagotchi had 'glitches' because the screen was leaking. The reality? They had dropped it and the screen cracked.

Okay, HELP ME!! I just recently got a new V6 Music Star and i just hatched it this morning. Just now, i tried to connect it with my V5 which is also in the 'just hatched' stage. I know that you are supposed to connect using the V5 and so i started with the V5. I went to the heart icon, pressed 'game', and pressed 'others' for my v6. Then, i pressed the 'B' button on my V5. Suddenly, the screen stated 'download' and 'reset'. Is this considered a glitch? I dropped my v5 once but it was AFTER i took out the battery... And, has anybody experienced this before? I really want to connect them together!!

Okay, HELP ME!! I just recently got a new V6 Music Star and i just hatched it this morning. Just now, i tried to connect it with my V5 which is also in the 'just hatched' stage. I know that you are supposed to connect using the V5 and so i started with the V5. I went to the heart icon, pressed 'game', and pressed 'others' for my v6. Then, i pressed the 'B' button on my V5. Suddenly, the screen stated 'download' and 'reset'. Is this considered a glitch? I dropped my v5 once but it was AFTER i took out the battery... And, has anybody experienced this before? I really want to connect them together!!

A few people have experienced it before. Did you try replacing the battery?

I think it being a "glitch" depends on the version of the Tama you have.

As you can see, many v3 owners are claiming the power of the reset button and us Tama-Go lovers know it'll just keep bouncing it's way on! It seems like the older/oldest and newest version have more of a protection against the fatality of a dropped Tama's future.

However, fact is, just be careful and don't drop it.

(Though, this can't really be called a glitch, as a glitch is a problem in the programming)

i drop all my tamas (but not my iD L....yet) and they all work fine...except for the super old ones and the one smashed into a bench. -_-

This isn't a glitch, it's called breaking your Tama XD. I've not dropped mine yet cos I'm uber careful. Though my housemate dropped mine from the sofa arm to the carpeted floor.

I didn't react and was acting chill but inside I was crying :rolleyes:

When I was in 2nd grade I had a v1, and I was CONSTANTLY dropping it outside after lunch during recess. My best friend and I played a really pointless game... toss a stuffed animal/Tamagotchi high into the air and try to catch it. Bonus points if you tossed it over telephone wires. Well, my v1 was very hardy and never broke on me (whew). It still works today. But I remember one of my stuffed animals had a fuzzy coat and I was tossing it up while I was leaning up against the school building, and it stuck to the bricks on the wall. About 20 feet up. Well, I threw a lunch box at it until it fell, LOL.

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