Was your first virtual pet a tamagotchi or something else?


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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I know for some people on here the first keychain virtual pets they had were nano pets, giga pets, or some type of knock-off pet, while other people had a tamagotchi as their first.

For me, my v3 was the first handheld/keychain virtual pet I got, although before that I was interested in virtual pet websites, like neopets and webkinz. I was obsessed with those websites back then :p

So what was your first experience with virtual pets? Let's include everything, from virtual pet websites, to keychain pets, to furbies.

P1 was my first generation, P2 was my second, then after that when virtual pets were really popular I branched out into Nano and other knock-offs. :)

Edit: Site double posted my post, please disregard this message.

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To be honest my first virtual pet was some kind of dinosaur Giga Pet or something... or a cat... yes I have terrible memory :p It was a Christmas present from one of my relatives. It was awful, died all the time, and broke shortly. A number of years later I discovered Tamagotchis and though I was uncertain because of my previous virtual pet experience, I still wanted one because of Mametchi! :D And luckily, Tamagotchis were much better and they're still the only truly fabulous v-pets IMO. :)

I think I might have had my giga kitty first or my nano kitty... either, it was a kitty. Lol. My parents bought my black grey p2 Since I had been waiting patiently for Tamas to be available again. They weren't that peachy on black which was the base of what was available. I was just so happy to have a Tama finally.

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My VERY first one was my Littlest Pet shop toy.

My SECOND one was Moshi Monsters.

My THIRD one was my TMGC F.

My VERY first one was my Littlest Pet shop toy.
Was it one were you had to put something into the side to feed or brush it? Because I had one like that and I think it was my first virtual pet too. (That or a Tamagotchi V5 celebrity with a movie theater shell).

I wanted a Tamagotchi ever since the P1's were released in the late 90s. Instead of getting me an actual Tamagotchi, my mom got me this 8-in-1 pets knock off from Ross or something. I didn't have any patience with it and was never able to raise anything past a blob lol.

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