Watching your Tamagotchi Leave


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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
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:unsure: have tou ever wondered when and how your adult Tamagotchi leaves its child? It's very simple just follw here

- Just Stay up till' midnight the night your Adult will leave and it will look at it's sleeping child for about a minute then he starts doing this weird whatever then (s)he flys of screen :mimitchi:

I tried it with my v4.5 Horoytchi, it was so peaceful in the dark with the flashlight watching its lasts moments with its sleeping child. It ALMOST made me cry ;)

Well if that is clear with the instructions her it is again

: Just stay up intill midnight and then your adult Tamagotchi will wake up and start looking at its child for about a minunte and then it will do some sort of dance then it will fly up untill the Adult is of the screen.

IT IT SO DRAMIATIC!!! :unsure: ;) :mimitchi:

Yeah, it is pretty fun to watch. ;) The first time it happened though, I found it quite upsetting, as I wasn't expecting the Tamagotchi to actually leave. :mimitchi:

But... Yeah, I find it pretty cool now, but still upsetting.


i watched it when joy was leaving ella. now ella and ethan are married (my two tams) last night they left me sammy and nick (their little boys) i didnt get to see them leave because i didnt want to change the time so they left when i was sleeping

Actually, if you wanna see your Tama leave, and can't stay up to midnight, you could always adjust the time to 11:59. :D

Cool! i Did the same thing with my V3. Kinda sat though. star was a :eek: she looked exactly like that.

Hey! I'm new on this site. But I just wanted to say, I already new about this before when I woke up in the middle of the night at 11:57 and saw my Ura Mametchi leave. It was sooo touching and incredibly sad. :furawatchi: :ichigotchi: :gozarutchi: :nazotchi: :ph34r: :mametchi: :mimitchi:

Cool! I always thought that it left while the screen was black and you didn't get to see it leave. I'll try it once my tamagotchi gets married.

would thid work on a v5. because i tried it and it never worked instead the screen was blank and there was little z.
