>>> We Are Young <<<


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Stephanie heard Para and said, "Uh, okay then. But who are they?" gesturing to Storm and Fehl.

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"This is Storm." Para gestured to Storm. "There was this girl here before trying to get us to join something. She was kind anough to leave us with this barrier. Peter made a hole under it." She explained.

"We might as well break her barrier. She'll come back and she'll fear us turning on her. I could distract her," He turned to Olivia. "and you, can persude her to come back, because we are concidering joining the organisation, and would like to know more about it." He paused. "She plans on killing one of my friends. We all cool with that?"

"Sweet and who?" Para asked.

Storm turned away.

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Stephanie nodded. "Oh" She said. She then introduced herself to Storm, and she was curious about this "organisation" they were talking about. She decided she wanted to know everything there is to know about it, and the "organisation" had now become her focus subject.

"OK, Hi I'm Storm. Blah, blah, blah. I'm half creature. Don't kill me." Storm replied.

Olivia nodded slowly as she thought over their whole plan. "That sounds good to me. If she is distracted, I can get into her mind easily without her blocking me out," she said and motioned for Peter to come back in. He shimmied under the barrier and brought the ground up to meet the base of the barrier to make it seem like nothing had ever happened.

"Ugh, all of this running around is tiring me-" Just then a piercing noise from below her caught her off guard. "AH!"

She was taken hold of by some tentacled monster. It shook her for a couple of moments, then threw her farther away near storm and the others.

"AHH!" she yelled trying to stop herself from falling, but the noise rendered her powers useless. 'BOOM!' she slammed into the ground not more than 20 ft.

away from the barrier.

Olivia looked up and saw the monster outside of the barrier. She drew in a sharp breath and her heart seemed to stop. She then noticed Fehl on the ground outside of the barrier, completely vulnerable and powerless. "P-Peter!" She choked off and took off in a full sprint towards the barrier. Peter picked up on her distress and ran after her. Before she reached the barrier, Peter created the same hole so Olivia could easily slide under and make her way over to Fehl.

Why was she doing this? Although the woman had spit nasty insults at them, no one deserved to die at the hands of a vile creature like this one, especially since she watched her own parents slaughtered before her eyes. It was only after she had made her way to Fehl's side that she realized how out of breath she was. "Are you alright?" She breathed and looked behind her to see Peter hesitating at the edge of the barrier, still with the others, safe from the creature nearby.

"Hey!" Storm slid under the barrier and began to talk to the creature. "So you're a messanger." He said at last. "We'll need you." He morphed into his creature form, then back to his human form. The creature shifted back to it's usual form. It was a griffin-like thing. It was quite small. "Only about a year old." Storm commented. It seemed to be albino.

"His father was one of them." Para told Stephanie. "Can I call you Steph or Hanie?" She asked before sliding under the barrier. She made Fehl float, cheaking for possible injury.

Fehl cursed under her breath and stood up warily. "I am fine, now leave me alone" And with that, Fehl started to float towards the creature. She floated hesitantly because she was afraid of falling again.

She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. She muttered some words under her breath and took out some shurikens. She opened her eyes and shot them out at the monster,

combining them before hand to give it more poison, weight and power. It flew at the monster cutting off one of it's many tentacles, circling it and cutting off the lesser ones. The monster

shouted in pain and regrew 3 of the arms bigger than before. "F****!" She screamed and caught the giant shuriken. Re-throwing it and adding more psychic power to it.

(Going to bed, don't go to far without me! I've had a long day ;v;)

Olivia frowned at Fehl. She tries to help, and what happens? She is pushed away once again. She let out a deep breath and watched Storm communicate with the creature. Peter sat beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Not everyone is like her, Olivia. Just because she is rude to everyone doesn't mean everyone else is." Peter reassured and smiled lightly at her. Peter seemed to always know what she was thinking even though she was the one with the mind powers. Olivia bit her lip and rested her chin on her hands, If the creature turned hostile, she would move, but for now, she wasn't too keen on helping with anything.

Para lifted the creature using her gravity powers. She began to sing a lullaby that some of the mother creatures sung to their young. The creature grew drowsy.

Just then, Stephanie heard a voice in the distance. A female voice. This voice was also very familiar.

"Steph! Hey, Steph!"

As Stephanie realized who the voice belonged to, she thought, Oh, no, it can't be!

Within a minute, the young girl was right next to her.

"And I was right" Stephanie said. She turned to the others. "Everyone," she said, "this is my little pest - I mean sister, Tuesday"

She turned back to Tuesday. "You know I don't like it when you call me Steph!" she said

Tuesday grinned. "Why do you think I do it?" she asked.

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"I. Feel. Your. Pain." Para groaned.

"What was that?" Storm asked. "Speak up, Dicy-poo!"

Para shot death glares at Storm.

The creature fell asleep.

Para watched it carefully.

Storm just stared at it.

"What are we supposed do with that thing?" Olivia spat bitterly as she watched Para sing to the creature. She crossed her arms and looked at the young girl beside Stephanie. She was in no mood to greet anyone new, but Peter stood up and walked over anyway. "Hello Tuesday, its a pleasure to meet you. I'm Peter, and that is Olivia," he said and pointed. Olivia just stared at the girl before turning around to face the creature again. "I'm sorry about her..." he muttered with a small smile.

"AHH! I AM TIRED OF THIS!" Fehl growled and mumbled some more words before throwing the shuriken... but this time it grew, twice, no three, No! Four times it's size and split the monster in half.

"FINALL-" she was cut off by the monster flailing around and growing the other half of it's self... making two of them, smaller but still dangerous.

"Are you kidding me!?" Fehl yelled.

"Pfft." Storm laughed. "I'll take care of this." He pulled out some type of capsal from his bag. He put the creatures inside it. They counldn't gry out. "Problem solved." He turned to Fehl. "So tell us about this organisation.''

Fehl's eye twitched and she yelled from the sky "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?"

She thought 'God these animals, becoming smart now heh?' She sighed and turned away.

She simply started to float off, huffing and puffing psychic energy out the Wazoo!

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