>>> We Are Young <<<


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Fehl just turned around and clapped "Bravo, you wimped put on a monster by putting it in a can! I. ACTUALLY. KILL. THEM!" She started to tear up.

" I OWE IT TO MY FAMILY!" A hot tear rolled down her cheek. "And the organization helps me do that!!" She started to bite her lip and teleporting away,

not thinking of where she was going. But she knew one thing.

She wanted to. Get. Away.

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Fehl ended up on the roof of a semi-destroyed house. She paced back and forth biting her nail, trying to calm down.

'Don't let it get to you, you trained for this, you took mental rehabilitation for this and your powers in the organization.'

She started to hyper-ventilate and cry a little bit. She sat down and tried to meditate. She was afraid of lashing out on everything and

destroying the place more than it already was. She was very afraid that someone from the organization would find her like this and expose

her feelings.

(someone needs to make an organization member... I dun want to be alone ;v;)

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Asvoria's nickname is Avy =]

Asvoria relaxed on a large tree branch that gave her a perfect view of the surrounding trees. Lifting her pale white hand, she spun two rocks in the air. Using her mind, these two pebbles began to hover in front of her and eventually crumble. Asvoria brushed her back hair behind her ears as she listened to the other noises coming from the woods. Her green eyes wide and alert. Closing her eyes and and willing it so, she let the shadows of the higher branches cover and hide her. Asvoria answered the faint noises with a loud "Hello?!" before hiding once again in the trees.

(Uh, you didn't make a form in the Forms and OOC topic.)

Tuesday said, "Nice to meet you too!" when Peter introduced himself. She decided that she liked being with these people. But then, Tuesday likes being with every person she sees! To her everyone is a friend!

(Shoot, I thought something was missing, sorry. I've been filling out a lot of those tonight so i probly just filled it out in my mind. Sleep deprivation will do that xD )

(Thanks! It's been four years since I was last on here xD pretty embarrassing way to start off my first day back.)

"wow, I feel silly." Avy mumbled to herself as she stepped back out of the shadows and quietly dropped to the forest floor. "What was I expecting to hear anyways?! The trees answer back with a "Hello! We're just trees!" hmph!" She scowled to herself. Then, realizing she was still talking to herself, began to blush madly.

"Hello.....?" Para froze as she saw Avy in the tree. She tryed her best to go unseen.

Avy looked towards the direction of the voice, eyes alert. Her hands went to her daggers as she crouched down, not knowing what to expect. "Who was that?!" her voice showing some signs of fear.

"No, who goes, there!" Para shot back at the tree. She began to hover in mid-air nervous.

Peter noticed that Para had been gone for a bit longer than he had expected. He said a quick goodbye to Tuesday and Stephanie and turned to look at Olivia and Storm. "I'm gonna go look for Para and see if she needs any help bringing her back," Peter called before running off in the direction Para went.

Olivia didn't respond to him, although she nodded in acknowledgement before laying back on the ground. She laced her fingers behind her head and watched he sky lazily.

(Sorry if my posts are crappy this week, because I have finals!)

"Oh no...." Para wimpered hearing footsteps behind her. She managed to find some comfort in the footsteps, however.

Peter saw Para up ahead and jogged forward, completely ignoring the fact that Para was in mid-air. "Hey Para! You seemed to be gone for a while, so I came to make sure you're okay out here. Is everything alright?" He asked as he came to a stop beside her. He was completely oblivious to Avy hiding out nearby.

Asvoria locked eyes on Peter and jumped from the trees. She drew her blades and cloaked herself in a protective cloak of shadow and remained silent

Fehl gasped for air as she started to hyper ventilate harder, she really tried hard not to bawl louder than she already was. 'Fehl,' she thought 'Calm down, don't get to caught up in this!'

Too late.

Fehl had just let three Psy-energy waves that destroyed almost everything except the building she was sitting on. It caused her a great deal of pain, making her shake, bleed through

her nose and deaf for a maximum of five minutes. She hoped that no one would find her so she could calm down.

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