We live in a greedy little world...


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2006
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This song, it gives lyrics and such. (it should start playing when it loads) Ka-Ching

what do you think?

Man, that tune is scareh o_O but the lyrics are sophisticated and true. The sad thing is, all people do it. But I don't have a credit card yet, so I can spend my money on useless crap, to tell you the truth, if I don't have money for something, I wait 'till I do.

This is truly well true! Todays culture spends every little moment thinking about money, wishing they money,spending money, begging for money, counting money,etc. Though we have to remember what is behind the money:Your life, family, friends, priceless moments that are made special without money. I am not saying money is not good do not spend it because you would be living on the streets without it but once in awhile think about something else besides that. God did't make money in one of the first 7 days no but he made land water animals sky so on. So as you can tell life can be made without money and you can have fun without having to pay a dime.Life(made without even having to pay one cent) ~ME

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This is truly well true! Todays culture spends every little moment thinking about money, wishing they had money,spending money, begging for money, counting money,etc. Though we have to remember what is behind the money:Your life, family, friends, priceless moments that are made special without money. I am not saying money is not good do not spend it because you would be living on the streets without it but once in awhile think about something else besides that. God did't make money in one of the first 7 days but he made land water animals sky so on. So as you can tell life can be made without money and you can have fun without having to pay a dime. Life(made without a even paying one cent)~ME

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I think so to. I think that we should spend less time with money.

Yes, that song does end out a message, but, I have to say one thing:


It's about shopping, and money, and spending money when you're bored-- isn't that what we chick's do? I am a tom-boy, though, so I can't really speak for myself, but, doesn't it make you think of a REALLY popular girl?

That song rocks, though. And I love Shania Twain. :huh:


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