Webkinz puzzle mystery!


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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2007
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the planet earth. no wait i live on jupiter! lol
One day you log on to webkinz.


You look over to see your webkinz pet, but it isn’t there. The name of your webkinz isn’t there ethier, it’s just blank. You check your 'my pets'. Blank there, too. You look around for your webkinz everywhere. No where. Where are your webkinz? They were probably captured… or they ran away? You have to find out.

~Every few (depending on how much time I will be here) I will make a new post which will contain clues(this is like a puzzle mystery story). When you find something out, post.~


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Your missing pets are a turtle(Lucky, boy), unicorn(Sparkle, girl), and a cheeky dog(Ruff, boy).

You have a few suspects, if your pet had been captured: Arte, T. V. Meow, Quizzy, Ms. Birdy, Dr. Quack, and Goober.

You had looked for you pet every where, so you figure they were captured.

"Welcome to the curio shop. Hope you find what your looking for," says Arte as you walk up. "Hey Arte, I was wondering if you've seen Ruff, Sparkle, and Lucky?" Arte stood thoughtfully, "No, don't think I saw Sparkle or Lucky... however I might of seen Ruff. He was bounding past my shop. Why do you ask?" You say,"They've gone missing." Arte replies,"Well you best go off and look for them. Sorry they are gone, and I hope you find them soon.

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T. V. Meow says,"You can only do a job every 8 hours," as you walk up. "I'm not here for a job. I want to ask if you've seen Sparkle, Ruff, or Lucky..." you say. T. V. Meow replies, "No." You frown and say, "ok". As your about to leave she calls, "I hope you find them soon!" You wonder why T. V. Meow said that- you never told her they were missing....


"Would you like to answer my bonus question of the day?" You shake your head, "No I'm too busy... have you seen Sparkle, Ruff, or Lucky?" Quizzy says, "Yes, and I was going to ask them why they were out all alone, but they were way to quick for me to ask..." "Ok," you say and walk away.


"Would you like to adopt another webkinz?" Ms. Birdy asks. "No, but I would like to know if you've seen Sparkle, Ruff, or Lucky..." Ms. Birdy says, "No, haven't passed this place in ages." "Oh, well, thank you anyway," you say and continue walking.

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