Weird Character. (did not debug)


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2005
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I bought My v4.5 (jinsei plus) in London, and it is now a child. The thing is that it grew to another character not listed in the charts. I checked the package and it said: Version 4. I dunno what character is. maybe a v3? it is like a, Mizutamatchi I think it is named from v1. just that it has legs and arms, though the arms look like sticks. I can't find a v3 growth chart so I can tell wich one it is, but If you post one I would be very gratefull and other people could help me. Oh and -pokes title- I DID NOT debuig my tama.

Well, it seems that the European Tamagotchi tend to have slightly different names to the American and Australian Tamagotchi. Here's a quick guide:

JinSei Tamagotchi Connexion (version 4): Tamagotchi Connection version 4 / Tamagotchi: Livin' the Tamagotchi Life! version 4

JinSei Plus+ Tamagotchi Connexion (version 4, the one you have): Tamagotchi Connection version 4 / Tamagotchi: Livin' the Tamagotchi Life! version 4.5

Tamagotchi Familitchi Connexion (soon to come, I saw it on the UK Bandai site): Tamagotchi Connection version 5 (soon to come)

So basically you have the European equivalent of v4.5- the JinSei Plus.

dancinkayley: Ummm... Thanks... I guess.... Though I already knew my tamagoltchi was a jinsei plus.... v.v... I said it on my first post.

By the way how do you know those are coming soon? Oh and if you know what will they be, like, you know, the new functions of the tamagotchi their characteristics, etc, PM me please.

Binary: Thanks! I already saw that v4.5 characters are diferent from the v4

dancinkayley: Ummm... Thanks... I guess.... Though I already knew my tamagoltchi was a jinsei plus.... v.v... I said it on my first post.By the way how do you know those are coming soon? Oh and if you know what will they be, like, you know, the new functions of the tamagotchi their characteristics, etc, PM me please.

Binary: Thanks! I already saw that v4.5 characters are diferent from the v4
I know that you knew it was a Jinsei Plus. I just wrote the guide so you know that your Jinsei Plus is a v4.5.

Take a look at this site to find out a bit more about the upcoming Tamagotchi:

Thanks. By the way, do you have any idea of when is coming? Im in London right now so I would just like to know if I can buy it before I leave. B)

I'm not totally certain about the release date. Some people say in January but somewhere else I heard that it's in Spring (Spring for the northern hemisphere at least, it would be Autumn down here where I live).

I agree with crazyy*tama. It sounds like a tamatchi too me :blink:

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