Weird Dream


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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
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So, one night i was having this dream. And in my dream i said to myself "Lets see if this is a dream or reality" So in the dream i pinched my arm and it hurt! I said "no

its not a dream. Then i woke up and my arm still hurt. Did my brain imagine pain? :D :D

This is something I have a lot. I can't really explain it, but yeah, your brain can simulate pain. Altho, unlike real pain this pain can't really kill you unless it gets so severe that it puts you in shock.

Hypocondriacts can also simulate pain. (fyi, those are people who are perfectly healthy who think they're very sick.)

Outside pain can kind of morph into your dream. You might have been biten by a bug, got your skin pinched by something else etc. and that became a part of your dream world.

Pretty cool.

Ooh! I had the same thing! The day before I had smashed my arm into a desk and then later in my dream my arm really really hurt. It was so weird!

I have had many dreams like that. It can hurt. In one of my dreams I hit my head on a desk at school, when I woke up, My head hurt xP

You may have pinched yourself in your sleep. If you can walk in your sleep, why can't you pinch yourself?

That seems pretty cool, Mr. Poopin Plopper, but please try to stay on subject.

Tamaw/Pants is right. Outside pain can morph into your dreams, it's pretty cool once you think about it.

You were probably just dinged or something in the night. I remember used to dream about being eaten when my cat Violet was just nibbling or licking my toes. (She used to do that for some reason. o_o)

I've done that. I fell off a cliff in my dream when I really fell off my bed o.0//

It's normal though xD

Wow, strange. I've never experienced that before. I guess pinching yourself to see whether if you're dreaming or not is a not very reliable! Lol!

My health teacher says: "When you dream, you dream about who you are (what you do, what you think about etc.)." Now I know that you can dream about pinching yourself and stuff!

Our brain is a VERY complex "thing" as you can see.

Here is just a random question about dreams.

Do you dream in color or black and white?

I ALWAYS dream in color for some strange reason.


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