Weird O_o


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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2006
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Who cares?
I have been having strange things happening, like I eat lots of food till im full then like 2 hours later im STARVING again. And I also have been losing wait, it doesnt show up on the scale but I can tell because all my pants which where like super tight are now super baggy, I gone down 2 pants size in the past few months!

If it's worrying you too much why not try to keep a little log / notebook to check and record your weight each morning before you get dressed or before you have eaten.

Then look back over the records for say, 2-3 weeks and see how your weight has fluctuated. You might find that although your pant size is getting smaller, your body fat is distributing itself elsewhere - like in your upper arms, for example and that your overall weight is not changing greatly.

It is also worth avoiding the routine of eating loads and loads until you are stuffed full.

Your body may be accelerating its digestion to deal with large quantities in one helping and that is why you are feeling hungry again so soon after.

Try to regulate the amount of food you eat at one sitting and perhaps eat one extra meal during the day - so that they are more evenly spaced.

If you are sure there is significant weight loss and you are not overweight or dieting you should speak with your parents about it and ask their opinion. They may suggest a check up with the doctor.

Whatever the case, a little "weight" log will be useful to show them or the doctor.

Well im normal for my height, im not over weight so I guess thats why I was kinda freaked out because I dont wanna be underweight D:

Thanks for the advice, it helped alot! could you please close this topic?

Honestly, sounds like a growth spurt lol You are still young enough to get those so its ok. Usually during growth spurts you eat more and you either lose or gain weight (everyone is different) and sometimes you do both lol and your clothes will fit differently. Check your height, I bet your taller than you were last time you checked it lol.

It might just be puberty, or you might just have a REALLY high metabolism. :D If I were you, I would probably go to the doctor if the problem persists. And remember to keep track of the things you eat and the KINDs of things you eat. :rolleyes:


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