Weird Pause Situation


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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2008
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Um....i have loads of official bandai tamas but there is always a problem. Sometimes, i pause them, and then leave them alone. Then, the next day, they have completley wiped out.....they won`t ever turn on! I tried resetting them and I know it`s not the battery cause they are fresh when i buy them. PLEASE, I need help or else i`ll never be able to play with my tamas again :(

Oh yeah and my friend has had her Tamagotchi Connexion 1 for a v long time. She found it again and showed it to me. She showed me her friends list and then we suddenly realized everything had been turned into Japanese! She can`t play with it anymore cause she can`t understand anything and is really upset. Has this happened to any of you -_-

Sometimes, newly bought Tamagotcbi loses its battery in just a few days (A month or so).

You might have bought a Tamagotchi like that, try replacing the batteries, but if it didn't, your Tamagotchi is broken and you have to buy a new Tamagotchi again.

For the other, its a glitch that I can't be a help, sorry. :( :(

Neither of those things have ever happened to me so I'm not sure how to fix them. Sometimes the battery might shift in an odd position so the screen blanks out- that's happened to me before, but generally that only happens if your Tamagotchi has been knocked against something. You could try pressing the reset button, then selecting "Download" as that seems to fix quite a few glitches. (Try doing this to your friend's Tamagotchi too- it will just restore your Tamagotchi back to the most recent major event in your Tamagotchi's life and occasionally it can fix some glitches.)

Everything turned into Japanese? That's a bit strange, I didn't think that any Connexion/Connection actually had the Japanese words for meal, snack etc. programmed into them. (I'm pretty sure they all do have Japanese characters programmed into them, in case you connect with a Japanese Tamagotchi at some point and have their Tamagotchi on your friends' list. I think I might have connected with one once though that was a while ago.) Having all the menus in Japanese shouldn't be too much of a problem, as long as you know where everything is. The v1 doesn't have too much writing either.

Just a quick guide: on the status screen you've got hungry/happy first, then discipline, then age/name/weight, then gender/generation. On the food menu you've got the food/snack options, then on the game menu you have dance/jump. On the discipline menu you have punish/praise, the lights menu you have the on/off options and on the notebook you have friend/item options.

Maybe Connexions have a secret device inside that can change the language settings?

As for the first glitch, try opening up the back with a screwdriver, take the battery back out and put it back in again, this time making sure it is in full contact with the inside of the Tamagotchi and that it won't lose contact with it when it has been shaken, etc.

Thanks, I`ll try changing the batteries....maybe it might work. And I already did try resetting nothing happened. Oh yeah and about my friend, the people she connects with don`t have Japanese Tamas, maybe it`s that her Tama has been through a lot of rough and tumble....well thanks anway :)

You could even try taping the battery in to make sure it stays there. If resetting doesn't work it's probably because the battery's moved (it's happened to me). Sometimes a little bump may knock the battery back into place. Once my v1 blanked out and I was looking for a screwdriver to open up the back, then I accidentally dropped it on a table and I heard a beep and an egg appeared, and I could still download my Tamagotchi.

maybe the reason why your friend's tamagotchi became japanese is that all tamagotchi originated from japan were it was first released and bandai america reprogrammed it to become english. and maybe the program they used got glitch and returned to japanese but im not sure that's just my opinion. :D

maybe the reason why your friend's tamagotchi became japanese is that all tamagotchi originated from japan were it was first released and bandai america reprogrammed it to become english. and maybe the program they used got glitch and returned to japanese but im not sure that's just my opinion. :p
That sounds like a perfectly logical explination. Im not sure maybe someone tamperd with it during the time it was paused or they took the batterie and replaced it with one that dont work.

Mine is sometimes the opposite. Sometimes I leave it alone an I come back and they're on pause o_O I don't know if its accidental button pushing or what...

I don't know about your glitch, maybe water or dirt is in it, but for your friend....

V1's are the oldest, so they can get glitches. If she played with it a lot, then she could probably guess where it it. Like feed: top=meal, bottom=snack. Japanese DID come out first, right? Its a glitch, but your problem is weird...

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