Weird Stuff you Thought When You Were A Kid


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
Oh, come on, everyone thought something crazy when they were a kid!

I used to watch Red Bull commercials every day when I was 4, and I thought that it was alcoholic, so that when you drink it, you get so drunk you think you have wings and can fly away. Then I learned it was an energy drink last year, because Destiny's mother asked me if I wanted a Red Bull, and I said," I don't drink alcohol."

I'll think of more later.

What crazy stuff did you guys think when you were kids?

That the digestion system was a conveyer belt and chewed food would go down it while big hammers smashed it up more. XD

That Heaven was a big castle where only people I knew died were in there with Jesus. XD

The truth makes things more complicated... x3

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^ I thought you got pregnant by kissing. I was like, "NOOO." XD Then I was like, "Okay wait. People kiss all the time... So..?"

Then I learned the truth. Dx

Red Bull actually gave you wings. Mum bought a can for me when I was 4, and I was utterly disappointed I hadn't grown wings after finishing it all.

I thought teachers lived at school.

I also thought that there were little people in the TV that act out the cartoons. XD

My friend told me when we were in, like, 1st grade, "The lunch ladies are so mean because I heard they used to be really nice. Then a kid said there was a hair in their food. The lunch lady tried some of the 'hair food' and then she realized her cooking was terrible so she was bitter forever and if you are being mean or breaking a rule, the lunch ladies will FORCE YOU TO EAT IT," so I feared that unless I behaved I would have to eat that... ewwy food.

I used to think that bugs would eat you. I also thought Holy Cow was a swear word.

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I also thought that if you flushed the toilet it would suck you in. XD

I used to think that you could get pregnant on your own.

I used to think that you have to get married at the age of 21. If you don't, then you have to stay single for the rest of your life. And you can't get married any earlier than 21 either.

And I used to have this huge fear of sand, because I thought it'd suck little girls in, like quicksand. So at the beach I'd just sit there on the beach chair, shaking from fear.

Oooh, and I used to hatehatehate boys. I used to think that whenever I'd talk to one around my own age, or look them straight in the eye, I'd feel all drowsy and faint.

I was a pretty strange child :|

I used to think you got pregnant when you kissed at the wedding. The "You may now kiss the bride" part.

I remember spending so long thinking about how your body knew that it was having a wedding. Then my Dad gave me the most awkward talk in the history of awkward talks and I am now an educated children. xD

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