Weird things that happened in your school...


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Pikachu Lover

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2008
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I have the WEIRDEST and NASIEST thing EVER!

For a girl to do this, it's just SICK!

So after 6th period I go to the bathroom, I walk in and the stench is strong. I hurridly cover my nose and think to myself, oh my god what is that smell?. Knowing the smell, I assume it's just a regular bathroom smell, but I walk around the corner of the bathroom. My jaw drops as I see brown stuff on the mirror. This wasn't just any brown stuff, this was POOP. "Oh my god... what the hell?" I say, quite loudly, "what kind of girl would smear poop all over the window?" I sprint to the door and quickly go out, holding my breath in the process.

...yeah sorry for making that like a story, but it's good practice for me. I'm writing a story for the Neopian Times on and I want it to be PERFECT.

Anyways... what a weird thing that happened in your schoo?

This dude, robbed something from a bank or something, was chased by the police and went on the school playground, xD Then he got caught.

One of our science teacher Mr.B slammed into a door during the redbird rally. D= He's old.

These girls in 6th grade were talking about...The cycle. D=

My friend Amanda fell up the stairs. xD

Scott,Ryan and Brian's trombone's got moved into tiny slots that looked like they were meant for flutes but they fit! xD

Too many things to say.

There's a lot of ironic stuff that happens, but weird things would take too long to write. I'm not kidding.

My school, is a very, very, very weird school

One time I got asked if I was wearing my mother's pants.


I wonder what uh...wonders I will have bestowed upon me next year when I go back to public school. XD

-will probably be named nerd-

my teacher was sitting on this shelf thing and it was like falling down because of her weight,it broke , she swore real loud, all the kids laughed (really hard)

my teacher was sitting on this shelf thing and it was like falling down because of her weight,it broke , she swore real loud, all the kids laughed (really hard)
Lol! That's hilarious!

There's been a few robberies at our school, lot's of graffiti....


A couple got caught having sex in the stairwell. o____O

Wtf xD?

Well This one girl took a picture of her Upper body.... And sent it to a boy. She said that he "Threatened" Her to do that. They believed her and The boy went to the Poliece. Then there was a Chain Message About it. Eww o_O

Two people making out as they were going up the ramp in my school. They were in 9th grade

And probably more so yeah O_O

these guys at my school during recess put a restroom trash can on fire...IT WAS SOOOOO COOOL XD!

me and my friends were just playing then we turned around and smoke was coming out the boys restroom!!!!

it was fun :(

ohh and also one day me and my friends again... were walking into the campus and we saw graffiti all over the buildings!!!! i like those kinds of things makes school exciting :D

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One time these two were making out behind a door, and then all of a sudden someone came in and closed the door.

A couple got caught having sex in the stairwell. o____O
0_o Oh God....

A teacher got stuck between two desks when she was trying to walk through. xD

We were doing this play thing, and one girl was Queen Elizabeth (the 'Virgin' Queen), and you had this card where you read like one line.

So, she read one and the teacher said read another and she said really oudly 'I'm a Virgin' xDD everyone was like cracking up, and I don't think she got it, oh god, the teacher was like 'No, virgin queen' good times..

at my school a guy was running around with 'ladie items' and was throwing them all over the hall. I have no idea where he got the box in the first place.....

lol last year a kid was trying to be cool so he pulled his shorts down REALLY low. then the teacher asked him to carry a box outside. So he picked it up with both hands and his shorts fell down. Everyone was laughing at him. D:

lol last year a kid was trying to be cool so he pulled his shorts down REALLY low. then the teacher asked him to carry a box outside. So he picked it up with both hands and his shorts fell down. Everyone was laughing at him. D:
Seriously. Lawl.


Eh. I dun know if this is weird about school, but it was something about school at home. Not much sense no?

*Draws breath*

I was putting my trombone back into its case(The school's CONN Director)...And I notice there was a flap, which was a compartment.... And I saw.... A Tissue. O______o I flushed it in the toilet, afraid it might have been flu season when some one last use that tissue.. o.o

So sorry for double post! D^=

The EDIT button has disappeared on me again..

One of my peers took a naked picture of herself and sent it to her ex-boyfriend's friend - like, to get him back.

Then he put it on myspace and almost everyone saw it.. some people even printed out pics and showed 'em to the principal...

Boy.. her parents were very pi**ed. x..x; It wasn't even lunch time and then some one leaned over to me in class "Did you hear about it yet?" Very. Odd.

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