Weird things that your teachers do


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Jun 25, 2006
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I have some interesting teachers.. o.o

My science teacher is short and chubby. (Just saying so you can imagine,)

He once told me he never wears deodorant o.o He was sitting next to me..

He was choking on a waffle in the hallway. My friend and I almost died XD

He used to play symphany music at lunch so we didn't talk. Now he reads us a book about the Trojan wars and about all of the gods and stuff......

My Content reading teacher (Content reading is similar to Geography)...


Sings to Elvis songs

Dressed up as Elvis once


Hit the wall

and he gave this boy sitting behind me a pancake...

My P.E. Instructors are just scary...

And My math teacher is just weird o:

Do you have any weird teachers at your school?

@ my elementary school, we only have 2 teachers.. but I can tell you about one: :p

she is medium-height, pale skin, and has curly orange hair in a mullet o_O (don't worry it's not normal where I live=P)

she likes to wear chunky belts, neon colors (green especially) curdoroy pants, denim outfits, etc etc.. (the 80s weren't good to her) xD anyways, a lot of times she shoves her hands down her pants..and just keeps them there for like 1 minute and jus stands there, with her hands touching from her waist across to the back of her thigh... X.x

One time she was talking about the importancy of feeling the emotion in the description we use in writing, and she was getting really into an example that she was making up foor us, (a little too into it) and she accidentally said "..I just ran 5 km.. I can feel the sweat, DRIPPING, soaking down my bra" and the whole class was like "did she just say that? O.O" then she said "oops" so we knew she really did :p

She's always competing with my other teacher (a normal one who gives us no work =D) on everything (especially which teacher we like more :lol: and she knows it's not her) and she always tries to seem more active so she has on average, a pack of yogurt, 6 oranges, 2 mugs of coffee, 1 banana, and a big salad bowl (i counted) as her "pre-lunch snack" as she calls it, she encourages us to bring 'snacks' every morning, too... :lol:

plus she knows that my french teacher (the other one) hates geckos, and so some days we'd come to class and the room would beFULL of geckos, with huge toy ones on the floor, or plastic ones staples to the wall....psychiatry is what she needs.

But last year I had an awesome teacher, he was italian, and he had short, curly black hair (no accent at all though) and he was so cool! I wish I had him forever!!!! But he licked to 'tease' certain people (me=D) and one time we were writing and he took my pen, and took itall apart, then he grabbed his camera and video taped how long it would take me to put it back together xD (by the way, 6 minutes!) he was the best :lol: yep, that's the stuff my teachers do/did that i can remember :lol:

My maths teacher literally a cross between Frankestein and a Haunchback (sp, whatever).

He's about 60, 70 odd.

One day he said he could do pushups. So everyone in the class told him to do 30. Everyone thought he wouldn't even get 10. But... he steamed on and did 72 XD

My Language arts teacher wrestles annoying kids lol, and threw a ball at this guy once in class.

hehe he's so immature, he always insults students that do stupid things xD

Well my science teacher is about fifty or something and has one kid, who's eight. He's tall, fat and has this weird beird and always wears his shirt tucked it. And he...

Gave us all Harry Potter names (yes, I'm serious. I'm Susan Bones, who ever she is)

Makes up do demonstrations of stuff (one time it was a certain intercourse involving a certain something and another something them a certain cell going into another cell making a baby. Gross)

Sounds exactly like Dumbledor

Eats marmite rice crackers in the middle of class (which absolutely stink)

Always drifts off the subject.

Oh yeah, and most of the teachers try to be funny. The only two who make us laugh are the history teacher and the R.E teacher.

My computer teacher is so weird, the first second she tells us we have to make a cartoon (Its the fun kind of computer class with laptops and internet) then when we are done she yells at us that we did it wrong. One time the 8th grade left the laptops out and didn't bother to plug them in to charge so all of our laptops died on us, so then we put them in to charge. Then they were all on the shelves, charging nicely when she brought the principal in and had her yell at us because "We don't bother to charge the laptops like responsible people!!" Also she got mad because we threw out some stupid fliers she gave us. She got so mad she nearly got computer class canceled!!! Over a bunch of fliers!!! We also think she's a stalker because she takes pictures of us during class with her iPhone. She puts them on our 7th grade website. >.> She creeps me out. She is really gross too. She's quite fat and has loads of dandruff in her hair and had egsama EVERYWHERE!! Her face, her hands, it's disgusting.

Also there's a teacher in my school thats gay. A girl in fifth grade who has a facebook friended him and he said no, so she made another one saying she was 22 and he accepted. She looked at his photos and saw one of him kissing another man. He looks like a mouse.

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Last year, my Gym teacher, Mr.Nemo [Mr.Nemith] always said the wining team would have a prize. Their prize was nothing. xD And he he alwyas said they'd win a expensive car. xD

I ahte my gy teach this year. D:< He's ugly and mean.

He uses pantine for his bald head. ._.&& He likes to talk about sexual things while we are talking about drugs. O_O

My teachers have thanksgiving dinner in January in the morning. =]

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My homeroom teacher, Mr.R, disses people all the time. xD

For example, this one weird girl in my class always says awkward or non-important things, and my teacher will always diss her.

Her: *raises hand* I've done this before last year in March with ______ and we were playing with the tokens.

Mr.R: Um, please tell me something that I care about. Or that's important.

Her: I'm really warm.

Mr.R: *sarcastically* That's nice.

But when you hear him say it, it's hilarious.

A little mean sometimes, but still funny. :3

Okay imagine my P.E. Instructor.

He is tall, pretty thin but he has a belly, and he is bald. He is also oldish (50-60's)

One day he was wearing this Hawaiian shirt with flowers on it and these boys were talking. He screamed "THIS IS MY HOUSE!!"

Just imagine it. Seriously. My friends and I burst out laughing.

well, one of the 8th grade Spanish teachers has a deathly fear of cheerios. (shes an old woman) She says they suck you in to another world if you stare at them,lol. One kid put cheerios on her desk and she wet her pants. She also talks to little gnomes and plants in her room. really creepy....

well, one of the 8th grade Spanish teachers has a deathly fear of cheerios. (shes an old woman) She says they suck you in to another world if you stare at them,lol. One kid put cheerios on her desk and she wet her pants. She also talks to little gnomes and plants in her room. really creepy....

I would be scared if I had her.

Oh. Mr Coles calls everyone muppets and made us write lines saying

'Mr Coles is cooler than me because i'm a lame muppet. I must listen to Mr Coles next time or i'll be spread on his toast like the other muppets'

He also made fun of me [Normal for teachers] but went out of his way to rub in the fact I failed Triangle. [Yea. The instrument you hit with a small rod.] Yes, I missed the triangle in a big school production. Laugh.

My mum who went through all my school books laughed then asked what he smoked.

Last year my U.S. History teacher was crazy. Whenever somebody fell asleep in his class he threw something at them. Also, if they were tipping in their chairs he would make them wear this hideous bright yellow bike helmet. He liked to call it the "helmet of stupidity". Then he would take their picture and hang it on the "wall of shame".

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