Weird things you rember


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When I was four. I went in my mom's room. She was drying her hair in the bathroom and I said, "Mommy? Can we get McDonald's for lunch?" And she said, "Yep!" XD

Many many other things, too. But I'd have to think for a bit...

When I got left at Ross because my mom thought I went with my aunt in her car and my aunt thought I went with my mom. :)

The lyrics to that Elefun commercial.

He's Elefun the Elephant, see him blow *HONK*

Butterflies everywhere, watch them go!

Yes, it's Elefun, the butterfly catching game! Catch the most butterflies and you win!

I'm Elefun the Elephant!

From Hasbro

EDIT: I just realized that it's Hasbro, not Milton Bradley

~Rainbow-Monkey :)

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looking at a movie on mute and listening to the radio. the movie looked like it was speaking what was on the radio.

It's not really "weird", but I remember my first Halloween. I was 2, and I dressed as a witch in my mom's black shirt (it was like a dress on me), and a paper hat. :)

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I fogrot to say somthing werid i rember i was about 4 or 5 and we were watching a tv program and the sheep had to be put down for some reason so this girl hid in the cuboard with a lamb

I remember going to Canberra. Not seeing anything or hearing anything.

Strange thing about that is, while my Mum was pregnant with me, she went to Canberra.

And I've never actually been to Canberra otherwise. LOLROLL. [:

once my friend and i stepped through some dirt at school, then the sprinklers came on.... i was really wet! D: but it was funneh! :)

I remember in year one when Ms Townshend sent Andy and I out of the library because we were rolling around on the floor. And when we sat outside Andy showed me his socks. They had the Fimbles on them. xD

I remember passing McDonalds in our car when I was 6

Sticking a giant Barbie sticker to my mom's leather bag that I got from a school. I told her it was a present and she was upset at me because it wouldn't come off

I remember smashing rice into my face, sitting in my highchair when I was little.

I also remember being on vacation somewhere and there was this kiddy pool that I wanted to go in, but I had no bathing suit, so I just took all my clthes off and went in. (I was like, 4 xD) and I remeber all the other girls laughing at me ._.

I remember a lot of my lines from plays or speeches that I had to do. Like I still remember the page-long poem that we had to memorize in 5th grade.

"there wasn't a breath in that land of death as I hurried, horror-driven,

with a corpse half-hid that I couldn't get rid because of a promise given.

It was lashed to the sleigh and it seemed to say "You may tax your brawn and brains,

but you promised true and it's up to you to cremate these last remains.... -continue-"

.. yeah 8D

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