Weird Voice Changes


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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2011
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well, I have this weird thing that i do quite a bit. Sometimes when i talk for a long period of time my voice changes and sometimes goes high. im not sure im the only one because my friend does this too. for example: I am doing a speech thing in class when 2 mintues later my voice goes all cartman-like. then it goes robot voice then chipmunk voice. sometimes when im nervous i go into a cartman phase. i have autism so this may be a part of it but maybe not.

do you have this or does your friend have it???

this happens to me sometimes, but not when i am in a serious conversation. i think you just sorta run out of air :huh: ? but other than that i have no idea

Eh, I usually have a deepish voice when Im with my friends but my voice gets all high when Im talking to adults. It's kinda annoying, but hey. I can't really help it. :p

Could be nervousness?

Or depending on how old you are, hormone changes?

Whenever I have to speak publicly or read in front of the class, apparently I sound like I'm crying and sometimes I start to lose my voice. It's annoying, but sometimes it's just how your voice is, and there's nothing really which you can do about it. :\

I think your voice is probably cracking. It's normal ^^

And btw, I am in absolute love with your avatar, Tamame X3

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Usually a voice crack. My homeroom teacher does it all the time.

i cannot tell for sure, but it must have somthing to do with air

cause people tend to exhale more when talking, so, maybe its just a little lack of oxygen thats causing it.

Eh, I usually have a deepish voice when Im with my friends but my voice gets all high when Im talking to adults. It's kinda annoying, but hey. I can't really help it. :p
yeah, same here, and a lot of my friends do that, too.

What happens with me a lot is my voice starts to sound like whoever i'm hanging out with. I do pretty good imitations of voices, so i guess from copying so many voices, i start to take on other voices automatically.

My voice gets low after talking for a long time on the phone, or when I am really really tired at a sleepover or something.

Usually my voice is really high pitched when I'm really excited...And when someone's making my day miserable, I sound like a dude. XD

Speaking as a vocal music minor in college, usually your vocal chords aren't developed fully when you're younger. This can lead to strange voice changes and weird sounds. Also, when you talk for a long period of time, it tires your voice, making the sound change.

Also, whenever you're nervous or emotional, it changes the way you breathe, which leads to changes in the way your voice comes out.

My voice in real life is the lowest voice you've ever heard from a 12 year old. People say I sound like a 16 year old. Whereas on camera, I sound like a kid. I can't stand talking on phones. If I am on the phone, it's for extremely short periods (can't keep a convo going for longer than half a minute.)

well, this happens to me. usually when i am tired, my voice is at it deepest. same when i talk on the phone or when i am around friends. usually my voice gets a little higher when talking to adults. mostly parents.

i think it is an emotion thing, mixed in with air and development.

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