Weirdo Dream


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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
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Imaginary Land
Last night I had a dream that I was talking about the dream I was having. It was like a dream in a dream in a dream. So I had like 4 dreams

Here is how the dream that I was talking about in my dream went


There is Tohru Honda, Naruto, and Sasuke on a trip. They are walking and Tohru is leading them. Naruto has a Mad look on his face and Sasuke just looks bored. Tohru has that happy look on her face and she's leading them in circles. But the thing is they're all fat and tiny.

So that ends the dream I was talking about.


You know how you sometimes have 5 Dreams in 1? Thats what I had.

So the other part of my dream was...


I met Meowbark XD She didn't know who I was so I told her I was Seemunky548 and she was like, "Ohhhh your seemunky548." And I'm like,"Yeahhh."


That ends my dream. I mean my whole dream.


Isn't that weirdo?








P.S. If you don't know who Tohru Honda is or Naruto or Sasuke is well, Tohru is from the series Fruits Basket, and Naruto and Sasuke are from the show Naruto

Sounds interesting, I wish I had a dream like that and meet a TamaTalk member. :D

Anyways, it sounds more interesting to me more than weird.

In one of my dreams I was telling somebody about a dream that I had in a dream. Which is also sorta odd.

I'm always scared that my whole life is a dream and one day I'll wake up and be with a completly different family, and be a completly different person. x.x

Lol, odd dream.


I'm always scared that my whole life is a dream and one day I'll wake up and be with a completly different family, and be a completly different person. x.x
Lol, odd dream.

I always have this feeling that I'm acctually someone who is in a comma (however you spell it) and I am dreaming of my whole childhood. xD Like, day by day, minute by minute, and all that. It's pretty weird.


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