Weirdos Group Hatch


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2016
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The Weirdos Group Hatch

If your tamagotchi isn't normal model (connection, color, etc.) you can join!

Starting on August 8th

Confirmed Can:

Tamagotchi School

Tamagotchi GB 1 & 2 (3?)

Confirmed Can't:

Connection v1-v6

Color Models

There's not much to this group hatch. If your tamagotchi isn't a standard model, you can join!

Ahh, I do have the Tamagotchi Gameboy but as I learned from my first group hatch, the programming puts it into an entirely different category (namely, it's not a background device, never mind the extra hurdle of physically turning it on). So I don't see myself reasonably being able to use that (especially with the problem of taking pictures, unless I'm going to hand-draw them). Anyway, are Dream Town Friends or Keitai Akais allowed to join this hatch? I also have a P2 and an american Angelgotchi which I am not sure how standard that is (the last two hatches I was in didn't have them).

Oh, Appadeia, I like what you decided to call this hatch XD

I sent Appadeia a public message on July 30th mentioning our three inquiries about what version can join the Weirdos Hatch. I didn't get a response and - due to the "stalker" function on TamaTalk - Appadeia hasn't logged in since July 24th. As it is three days away from the start date and so far none of us have mentioned using a version that was confirmed to be allowed, it is very doubtful that this hatch will actually happen.

I'm all for the concept of this group hatch but unless Appadeia is involved, it would be unfair to continue without them.

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