were do i get a tamagotchiv3 in england


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Apr 9, 2006
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:D if u live in england snd u have a tama v3 were did u get it and how much?
Well they said it was $14.99 USD. So Im not sure how many pounds that is, about 7-9 or so? Im not sure.

Im not sure if they are out yet in England? They should be but I am not completely sure.


Well they said it was $14.99 USD. So Im not sure how many pounds that is, about 7-9 or so? Im not sure.
Im not sure if they are out yet in England? They should be but I am not completely sure.

Version 1's 2's and 3's in England seem to be 15 pounds.. Which is unfair really, Becuase the Usa get it for 8 pounds

Version 1's 2's and 3's in England seem to be 15 pounds.. Which is unfair really, Becuase the Usa get it for 8 pounds
The v3 is out Friday i think. ~I got mine off eBay for £16. in England at the mo there r v2s and they are £12.49

i couldn't wait for the v3s to release in the UK so i got mine off eBay! lol

they might be out Friday.

I amc English and i live in England

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V3 are not out in the uk yet. I got mine yesterday over the internet so they must be coming...

i live in England and i got mine off Ebay from Singapore for £10 delivered

i've heard something about that they're out in the UK 2-morrow, but i'm not at all sure..

my mum phoned up the toys r us and they said that maybe they would come at eatsre ^_^

did they say how much they r i realy want one but i dont want buy one on ebay cause i bought a v2 on there or £20 and when they were in the shop they were £10!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

did they say how much they r i realy want one but i dont want buy one on ebay cause i bought a v2 on there or £20 and when they were in the shop they were £10!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:
They cost £12.99.

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