wet/swimming tama!


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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2006
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IF your tama gets wet (really wet) this works. we had one that got soaked! <_< we thought it was a gone forever. happily, this worked;

As soon as your tamagotchi takes a plunge in a liquid, get the battery out. you don't want it all to short out inside. Keep the battery out for 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on how wet it got. *IT HAS TO BE COMPLETELY DRY BEFORE PUTTING THE BATTERY BACK IN* inside and out. when ours dried and we put the battery back, we were on the "download/reset" screen. we got the our old Tama back! the only problem we had was that the "A" button was hard to push, but after a few days everything was back to normal! JUST DON"T GIVE UP with this. Keep trying!

Good luck with your swimming tama's! I hope you never have to use this tip!

KM :angry:

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P.S. i don't think this would work for soda or other liquids that dry sticky... only things like water or baby drool...

my friends fell in the toilet, she just unscrewed it and wiped the water out and it was fine

cool! :p

mine never really got wet, except for, like, one or two itty bitty rain drops. :p

but it never went "swimming" and never got "soaked" cause i take VERY careful care of my tama. (and because my brother is 10 not 3 :eek: )

but if it ever really DOES THAT, i will do your trick. :( (unless i dont have a screwdriver when that happens... :eek: )

yeah, getting the battery out is a good idea, but also don't leave it wet for a long time. your best bet is to unscrew it and use a hair dryer to evaporate the water, because if it stays wet for too long the metal inside can rust.

mine never gets wet wen im at a pool or it rains if its with me i bring my water proof case with me its like a claer purse thing its really good

> J_tamagirl how did you get a case like that :hitodetchi: <_< :hitodetchi: :unsure: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi:

Thankyou, Kyliesmum.

Luckily my tamagotchi hasn't encountered any baby drool or any water!, but I will keep this tip in handy just incase I happen to be a bit unfortunate.




- Fooet

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I put up a topic like this about a year ago... I was freaking out because It was my ftiends tamagotchi. So what I did to fix it, I Took it apart.

I got the screen to shoe the picture but thge buttomd didn't work properly. SO I took the poor tamagotchi apart and saw that under the puttons there was residue (sp?). SO I cleaned it up and it was back to normal!

But, some people are afraid to open their tamagotchis. SO for thoughs people Kyliesmum tips is GREAT!

Get an adult to find the right size screwdriver for you and take it all the way apart to dry it out. There are other posts in this topic that say that. Good luck! I'm sorry this happened.


If you are going to use a hairdryer be sure to have it set to cold air if your hairdryer doesn't have that option put it on warm and hold it back a fair bit because the heat can probably do some damage.

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