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lol ok!


The thing greww asnd there is a shadoww underneath it meaning its floating in my tama but y is it growning??

I had a didgital camera but i lost it. I know! I will draw on paint one sec

My mom says i dont have a blow dryer. i blew into it and it didddnt move at all...
You should take it off, and let it dry for a whole day. Then put a new battery in it.

:( Locky458


i emailed you the crude drawing. i did my best. there is a shadow inder the curved eyelas thing and it gets thinner as it points to the top of the screen

thanks..i`lljust have to wait for it to send through...i just received 2 e-mails but neither had any pics >.>

i diddnt type the underscores! theres my absent minded nes agasin. by the way, did you notice someone is having a similar problem? the post is under the what happened to my tama section and is titled black line. check it out!

looks like you might have a cracked lcd screen too...hmmmm.....if that`s the case that`s not good.i`m also uneasy of the exchange of addresses online..otherwise i`d ask josh if you can have the perfect lcd screen off his mutilated tama...

(vewing the picture on paint) i should have made the tip grayer near the top end of the line. thats why i keep calling it an eyelash by the way.

josh is my boyfreind..he`s the one who owns the mutilated tama in the HELP SOME EVIL KID MUTILATED MY TAMA topic....is it actually an EVYLASH or something that resembles one?

okay so it`s NOT actually an eyelash... ohhhhhhhhhhhh.....well it`s probly a crack in the lcd screen <.< >.>

my poor tama. I actually found out why my room got so cold. I havent gotten arount to moving the airconditoner out of my window, in comes draft of cold air and CRACK! bye bye tama :mametchi:

ps. I can now ad window friendly airconditioners to things i dont like. other things on the list : raisins, vacumn cleaners, math, and my evil spoiled brat cousin lol.

guess i will just have to cherish the memories of my very first tama connection

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