What animal r u?


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fav color: violent purple lime green and sky blue (i hate pink)

hobbies: eating sleeping being with my cats

fav type of enviroment: jungle and very hidden places like a tiger on lion (i am a leo)

Fav Color-Crimson red (or, Blood Red) and Black

Hobbies-Tamatalk, Drawing, Reading, Piano

Enviroment- I dunno, Graveyard XD, A Serene Peaceful Meadow with...Wilted Flowers.

fav color: blue, black, and red

hobbies:Computer, Piano, Watching Naruto on Youtube

fav type of enviroment:hmm a big ocean at night with the stars twinkling and an occasional shooting star.

fav color: pink and purple and light blue

hobbies: chilling internet tama talk being curious

fav type environment: water forests tropical islands

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I would describe myself as a dolphin energetic funny sweet and lovable - to some lol - and love tropical areas and water ;)

Thanks! i love Wolves. Thats what i thought i'd gotten.

My Best Friend wants to Do one-

Fave. color: Pink, Green, Blue

Hobbies: Choir, Church, Drawing

Environment: School, Park

What animal are you? find out!

fav color:Gray


fav type of enviroment:forest or my room when its quiet

What animal are you? find out!
fav color:


fav type of enviroment: (forest, meadows, etc.)
fav color:green

hobbies:umm rideing my bike, playing outside, go to the to the beach...

fav type of enviroment: (forest, meadows, etc.)meadows.

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