what are some of your secrets


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I have a crush. That's not really a bad secret though. Only a few people know who it is.

I still voted on one but I wanted to make this sound like something I REALLY don't wanna tell:I'm an 11 year-old,tough,emo,that sleeps with a teddy bear. :)
Think that's bad?! I'm a tough, twelve year old goth who sleeps with a toy penguin :)

Like Harry-Potter-Gotchi, I sleep with a teddy bear and I'm tough, goth and 11. If I don't have my teddy, I get scared that monsters will eat me.

I also need to turn the mirrors in the bathroom away or put them out whenever I go in. Now that my school has got mirrors pinned on the walls, I am scared and I run as fast as I can and when I get back, I feel like crying.

I'm twelve years old and am afraid of the dark.

But I'll tell just about anyone that.

I have a crush. And... Surprise, surprise: He happens to be my boyfriend. Before we got together, that was a big secret...

If I hadn't lost it, I would very likely still sleep with a stuffed cat (because I had it since I was 6. Got him from my dad, for Valentine's Day, years ago). But I lost him some time last year.

My biggest fear, next to death, would probably be throwing up. People throwing up around me.. Anything relating to vomit. Not a very secretive thing, though, because people seem to notice when somebody says they feel sick and I walk away without a word..

Nothing too terribly major, though. All of my big, important, deepest, darkest secrets, I would rather not share. ^^"

I like someone.

It's barely a secret, though. I post it lots of places on sites and I'm sure at least one person at school knows.

I have a crush. :unsure: I haven't told ANYONE about this. Well, I only told my friends who dont go to my school. If kids at my school found out, my life would be OVER. :unsure: I think he hates me or something. :D

My greatest fear of ALL TIME: death. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing is scarier than death in my opinion.

I used to wet the bed till I was 10. :unsure: How is sleeping with a stuffy embarrasing? :p Everyone does. I just sleep with my 3 webkinz.

I like someone.It's barely a secret, though. I post it lots of places on sites and I'm sure at least one person at school knows.
Yeah same here. I post it all over TT too. xD Only very few ppl know about my crush, but no one at my school does. Even if one person at my school knows, even that person's NOT my crush, my life would be OVER. I'm serious.

That's why I've only told my friends out of my school. :D I didn't even tell my parents

None of my friends or family accept that I'm gay, so I never bring it up or just don't tell them anymore.

Also, I'm afraid of the dark and sleep with two baby blankets xP

Nothing to be ashamed of. Whatever makes you comfortable.

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I sleep with a 1up mushroom, but I don't keep it secret.

And I don't think I can call my being a fangirl of Yuki a secret either.

I have secrets, but they're completaly secret.

I dont feel good spilling out secrets to the entire internet, but heres one: Im terrified of spiders. I screamed bloody murder when my friend showed me a platsic one we used for halloween.

Doglover10, me too. i escaped, but they got me again :/

i have waaayyy too many secrets for tamatalk to handle O_O

but i might post a few.

i'm not really afraid of anything. no seriously, except for one, i can't think of anything. and it's not a stupid fear, either. i might post it later.

i do have one secret:

my age. it's from the internet, not real-life friends. i recently realized that nobody on here knows my exact age. and i rather like it.

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