What are some weird or Embarrasing tamagotchi situations that made you say ¨Big Yikes¨


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Apr 27, 2022
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i Had one in 4th grade where that day i put together my 2 half-working-braincells and i put a like small case that was plastic on them that had a zipper on it and i dont know why but i got the great idea to put like 4 milk cartons in my lunch bag they where strawberry flavored so i think thats why and I dont know how but one of them exploded and milk was everywhere but the thing is i had my tamas in there (with the case on) so i only found out at the end of recess because the bag was wet so i opened it straight away i got the cases and opened then they only has milk residue so im grateful that it didnt get into the cases alot and they are ok!
Oh wow, that sounded like that was a huge mess. :lol: I'm glad the Tamas were alright afterwards!

I remember once as a kid playing with my Tamagotchi Mini and drinking a lemonaid without a lid on. My mother hit a bump in the road and I dropped the Tamagotchi, with it landing in the drink. I freaked out and my sister laughed at the situation, creating a very awkward drive to Blockbuster. I remember by the time we arrived the Tamagotchi miraculously started working again, but I don't remember what my reaction to that was. It probably reseted and gave me a new Tama, which probably made me upset, but a little less so.

Moral of the story: Remember to put lids on your cups or it might cost an innocent Tamagotchi their life!
Mine was my very first Tamagotchi! I was jumping off of a boat and onto the dock when the chain on my V1 broke. It fell to the bottom of the river, and it was December, so one it was cold and two I couldn't swim to even try to save it if I wanted to. It made me really sad.

Another was my Evangelion Tamagotchi that happened more recently! I thought it fell off of my keyring, but when I went to hang up my laundry I felt something lumpy and one of my slacks pockets, turns out the Tamagotchi was in there. I had soaked the laundry for days before washing and the batteries couldn't take it. There was battery acid all over the inside of that Tamagotchi and there was no saving it. I'm usually very careful and check all of my pockets before I wash my laundry, so I feel a little embarrassed that I basically threw away $25 because I wasn't as meticulous as usual. 😭
Mine was my very first Tamagotchi! I was jumping off of a boat and onto the dock when the chain on my V1 broke. It fell to the bottom of the river, and it was December, so one it was cold and two I couldn't swim to even try to save it if I wanted to. It made me really sad.

Another was my Evangelion Tamagotchi that happened more recently! I thought it fell off of my keyring, but when I went to hang up my laundry I felt something lumpy and one of my slacks pockets, turns out the Tamagotchi was in there. I had soaked the laundry for days before washing and the batteries couldn't take it. There was battery acid all over the inside of that Tamagotchi and there was no saving it. I'm usually very careful and check all of my pockets before I wash my laundry, so I feel a little embarrassed that I basically threw away $25 because I wasn't as meticulous as usual. 😭
Thats sad one time i had my backpack open and all my stuff fell out including my tamas and good thing one of them fell on grass and the other one was safe inside the front pocket i hadnt noticed that my other tama fell out but my friend got it for me im grateful that the grass and my friend being ther if those things werent there a broken tama or lost tama would have happened!
Mine was my very first Tamagotchi! I was jumping off of a boat and onto the dock when the chain on my V1 broke. It fell to the bottom of the river, and it was December, so one it was cold and two I couldn't swim to even try to save it if I wanted to. It made me really sad.

Another was my Evangelion Tamagotchi that happened more recently! I thought it fell off of my keyring, but when I went to hang up my laundry I felt something lumpy and one of my slacks pockets, turns out the Tamagotchi was in there. I had soaked the laundry for days before washing and the batteries couldn't take it. There was battery acid all over the inside of that Tamagotchi and there was no saving it. I'm usually very careful and check all of my pockets before I wash my laundry, so I feel a little embarrassed that I basically threw away $25 because I wasn't as meticulous as usual. 😭
Just so you know, if you still have the tama you can probably save it by washing it in isopropyl alcohol! Unlike something like a smartphone, there aren't as many components in a tama that can break from water damage, so this method might work :ichigotchi:
Just so you know, if you still have the tama you can probably save it by washing it in isopropyl alcohol! Unlike something like a smartphone, there aren't as many components in a tama that can break from water damage, so this method might work :ichigotchi:
The V1 has been at the bottom of the rather polluted river for 17 years, I don't think there's any saving that especially with currents likely moving it about.

The Evangelion one was also sadly beyond saving.

No need to watch if you don't want to, but proof it was utterly destroyed for the morbidly curious 😭:
a few weeks ago i have a a bag thats slightly open from the sides and we where doing pe and i was wearing the backpack with my friends pix and my ons. the grass was wet and we where running over a field and after pe i checked on my pink on and it was i ok i tried looking for my magic but it wasnt there i ran across the field with my bestie and my bestie found it thank god none of the kids doing pe found it or it probabaly would have been gone 🥲

lesson learned i promise.
Hmmm I have already mentioned these elsewhere, but I had some jealous kids reset my first adult tama at lunch once in 4th it 5th grade, and I had my Nano Fighter taken away from me at school by a teacher for a week because another kid I played a joke on told on me during a VPet ban (he lost his too).

Kind of hard to top those, but I don’t want to go into too much detail over and over and sound like a broken record.

I guess the next best thing is the time a little water got under the screen of my yellow digimon, and my OCD couldn’t live with the water stain in the background even though it still worked perfectly fine…I got a Brown one to replace it a week later.