What are the exact differences between V4 & V4.5?


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Nov 9, 2008
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I've been searching for information about V4/4.5, because I want to get one soon, but I found nothing to clear my doubts. Just general info (i.e. V4.5 has new characters / games).

The thing is, I can find V4 in local shops for about $18. But I'd have to order online, probably overseas, to get a V4.5, it would cost me twice and take at least a week to arrive.

Is V4.5 that much of an improvement over V4, or should I just get a V4 from the toy store?

Having a detailed list of the differences would be nice.

For the record, I already have a 1997 P2, and a new V5 I just got. After the V5, I want to try a V4, so that's why I'm looking for one.


As you've already found, the major differences between the V4 & V4.5 are the types of characters you can raise and the built-in games. Scans of the original instruction sheets for both models are in our Reference Library (click here if you want to have a peek.)

The V4 & V4.5 share the same TamaTown web site.

Both can connect & mate to Connection V1, V2, V3, V4, & V4.5 models. (Neither can connect to a V5 model.)

Minor differences:

On the V4 the matchmaker stays for only a few seconds when she visits. If you don't press a button when she first appears, she'll leave. This makes it very easy to miss her visits. On the V4.5 she stays on-screen for several minutes, patiently waiting for you to press a button.

It's easier to predict which type of character your current Tamagotchi will grow up to be, on the V4. Certain training levels are known to influence which character you'll get. On the V4.5 the growth process seems to be almost random.

My advice: get whichever one your local toy shop has for sale.

Note: in Europe the V4.5 was sold as the V4plus.

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Thanks! I got a V4. So far I'm liking it more than the V5.

By the way, I was toying around with them and noticed that V4 and V5 shells/buttons can be swapped, at least between European versions.

The V5 screen has a different layout and more resolution, but the size is the same as the V4. The infrared cover is exactly the same. All the holes for the screws are located in the same spot.

So, it's possible to have a V4 with a V5 shell and vice versa :D even mix-and-match screen backgrounds, buttons and battery covers...

Thanks! I got a V4. So far I'm liking it more than the V5.
By the way, I was toying around with them and noticed that V4 and V5 shells/buttons can be swapped, at least between European versions.

The V5 screen has a different layout and more resolution, but the size is the same as the V4. The infrared cover is exactly the same. All the holes for the screws are located in the same spot.

So, it's possible to have a V4 with a V5 shell and vice versa ;) even mix-and-match screen backgrounds, buttons and battery covers...
It depends on how much you want to customize your Tamagotchi really.

I'm sure that it's possible to change the buttons and maybe the covers, but I'm not 100% sure about the screens.

You could try swapping about the screens and see if it works, but I wouldn't reccomend it that much! :D

The screens are compatible only with their original circuit boards (so a V5 screen must go with a V5 circuit board) and the front and back shells must match as well, but everything else can be swapped between these versions :furawatchi:

I now have a really special tama. More on that soon ;)

Let's see...




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:D :) :( :(

I think the the V4 is WAY better than the V4.5. But right now, I think V5 is the best. The UraTamagotchis are from a Japanese model of tamagotchi, I think the that UraTamagotchis should have stayed on the Uratamagotchi. Plus on the V4.5 Mametchi is seen as a character with bad care. On other versions he is perfect care! (He is the perfect character on all the tamagotchis that you can get him on)

But, its up to you to decide. I suggest you should choose V4.

Here are some Japanese Tamagotchis that I know of:



Tamagotchi School


Tamagotchi+Color (The best! It has color! ONLY SOLD IN JAPAN)


Ocean Tamagotchi

Music Star (Only Japanese tamagotchi to come out in english and be sold in other countries!)

I know lodes more that I don't know the name of. Lots of Japanese tamagotchis have Tamatown!!

I've been searching for information about V4/4.5, because I want to get one soon, but I found nothing to clear my doubts. Just general info (i.e. V4.5 has new characters / games).
The thing is, I can find V4 in local shops for about $18. But I'd have to order online, probably overseas, to get a V4.5, it would cost me twice and take at least a week to arrive.

Is V4.5 that much of an improvement over V4, or should I just get a V4 from the toy store?

Having a detailed list of the differences would be nice.

For the record, I already have a 1997 P2, and a new V5 I just got. After the V5, I want to try a V4, so that's why I'm looking for one.

Nephile- Tamagotchi instructions are found at tamatalk.

Go to site map,


The Library

and then click on:

Tamatalk refrerence section

The choose which version to read the instructions with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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