What are you allergic to?


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Oil-based face paint ruins my skin, I can only use water based. ;]

I used to have Hay-fever but I grew out of it. (Thank goodness)

I'm allergic to artificial strawberry (such as strawberry ice cream, strawberry candies, strawberry milk, anything thats flavored strawberry I can't eat, although I can eat the fruit) I get hay fever a lot, and some eye shadows I can't wear either

EDIT: also dogs too, they make me really sick

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I have Acid Reflux (means I puke and get sick alot!)

dog dandrift

I have something and I forget what it's called!I grew out of it!And my b-day is when I last had it and so Its almost gonna be 365 dayz!

Certain Flowers

I have allergies!Which I have now!

I get the stomach flu alot!

I have anaplylaxtic(sp?)reactions to penauts/nuts and horses

Cats make me sneeze alot and if I have too many dairy products I get sick.

I'm allergic to pollen, grass, latex and sulfa.

I'm also somewhat lactose intolerant. I can't have cheese, but I can have any other dairy in small portions.

For some reason, I can eat Cheetos though o.o' So much for 'real cheese'.

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i am alergic to grapes. i can have them but i then get these painful bumps in my mouth. p.s i realy like grapes! wah.... :(

I am allergic to:

Laytex (SP?) I breakout where ever it touched me and then the rash spreads everywhere.


I also have exama and it is like the most serious kind. I can't switch any lotions or shampoos ever cause the ones that I DON'T use have something in em that sets it off!





Peace out


I think I am *slightly* allergic to latex because my eyes hurt/itch when things like latex masks and gloves are near my face.

I'm slightly allergic to bannana.

Anyway, if any of you guys feel sorry for yourselves havoing 3 or 4 allergies, think again. My 6 year old cousin is allergic to about 30 things, including nuts, eggs and milk. She can't eat cake, crisps, donuts and the only chocolate she can eat is dairy milk. Actually, as far as I know, haribos is one of the only nice things she can eat. She has nearly been killed twice. I always feel sorry for the little girl, as she is so nice and friendly, yet, I know she could become seriouly ill at any time. It's so sad.

One of the times she nearly died, I was in school, and I heard from her brother she could possibly die anytime- I just burst into tears.

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I have Hayfever, My dad has it too... probably genetic... also my aunt can't have dairy products.

Allergic to Pollen - grass, trees and flowers... that means Hayfever from around mid April > September every year - not fun ^_^

I also get allergic reactions to Melon :unsure: and more occasionally fresh Pineapple ... my mouth gets blisters inside - like monkeyz10210

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