What are you being for halloween?! x3


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Anime girl

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2005
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In Canada~ Ruling the world. >:O
[SIZE=13pt] ^-^ Well Halloween is today, and everyone gets the chance to dress up as whoever they want to be! ;3[/SIZE]

But what did you dress up as? :D

Post your pictures of your costume and show it off!


But don't worry! If you don't feel comfortable posting your picture, just simply tell us what you dressed up as! ^.^


!Happy Halloween!


I dressed up as "Chi" for halloween! YAAY! My first cosplay! :B

When I get my hand on a camra I'll show you guys what I look like. O_O lol.

https://i33.tinypic.com/ftm2p4.jpg I was the devil. I blurred out my siblings' and friend's face for their safety. I didn't blur out my sister's face though, I figured you couldn't tell who she is under that make up. I offered to do it for her, but noooo. She "doesn't trust me." And now she looks like a clown. I was gonna rub it in, but I decided she was already miserable enough, especially after I told her what a geisha really is. I shouldn't be talking, considering my costume. She had a good time though, when her best friend showed up. I had a pretty good time at the party, even though it sucked. I brought my cousin Daeland along, he's been home schooled his entire life, and his mom cuts them off from the world, in order to keep him original and clean. So after the party, I'm like, "that party pretty much sucked." And then he's like, "NO IT DID NOT! THOSE GIRLS WERE HOT! THAT WAS THE BEST PARTY I'VE EVER BEEN TO!" I told him that he needs to come to a good party. There were only like 50 people at that party, when usually there are like 125. Everyone was out trick or treating. The end of the year parties are always the best cause then it's warm out and no one's doing anything else cause we don't get homework. Well, I'm rambling now.
We took pictures at school.

As soon as we recieve them I'll scan it.

Cecib :angry:

I dressed up like an Egyptian. I had a headdress, eye makeup, and everything. My friend's mom took some pictures of me and my 2 best friends, but I haven't gotten them yet.

I can't find a piccy :[.

Anyway, I'll describe it! I was a... Gothicy witch. I didn't put any make-up on though.

I had a dress, which was kinda had a corset. It had the colors of black, purple and white. The skirt was see through meshy material[black, white and purple] kinda ripped up. It had a silky purple dress underneath. I wore a sparkly purple sweater/long sleeved tank top cos it was so cold {Brr...}. I had some opaque black tights on, then black legging.

On my head.

Just a normal witch hat. As I said, I didn't put any make-up. I had my black hair down. I also had a {2} pumpkin trick-or-treat bags. My friends dad was the one who said I was gothic. He was a death bringer X(.

~*Gothic Skuang*~

I'm sorry guys but we already have a Pictures of you topic on this forum and some members are already posting their halloween pics there in any case.

Worse, some members are duplicating their posts and putting the same pixs in both threads.

I'm going to ask everyone who wants to post a pic of themselves to use the current active thread.

Thanks for understanding.


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