What are you being for Halloween?


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Firelord Izzi

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2009
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Because it's like, a little over a month away~ : D

I'm being No-Face from Spirited Away.


It breaks the mold with the generic ghost costumes.

I need to buy some felt and mesh. :\

I was Deidara last year<333333

I'm going Trick-Or-Treating in the neighborhood that three of my friends live in. It's huge and all the rich people live there, so they never skimp on the candy. :]

How about you?

A. A girl who goes to a concert


B. Nothing

I'll probably just pick out Kit Kats from our candy.

Last year we got a bunch of crap from parents about how we were too old to trick-or-treat. D:

There were houses who denied us candy.

Wtf man.

So this year we're trying a new location, with less mommies around.

Last year I was... a thing. I wore a tutu and Converse and a tiara.

This year I'm going as Hannah Montana. I'm buying a wig.

Because it's like, a little over a month away~ : D
I'm being No-Face from Spirited Away.


It breaks the mold with the generic ghost costumes.

I need to buy some felt and mesh. :\

I was Deidara last year<333333

I'm going Trick-Or-Treating in the neighborhood that three of my friends live in. It's huge and all the rich people live there, so they never skimp on the candy. :]

How about you?
I love Spirited Away, your costume is going to be epic.

I'm being a mime. lol. I decided last year.

Some of my friends aren't trick-or-treating, but I'm convincing them to come with us anyways and dress up, because all my friends love Halloween. Then we'll go party at someone's house. Can't wait!

Birthday girl, of course. :D

Usually, about a week before Halloween, we just visit this huge 'Halloween Spirit' store, and there's a ton of stuff to choose from. So, I really don't know yet.

Last year I was a gangster. I was pwnsome with my blood-red sweatpants and baggy brown hoodie. :)

This year, I can't decide between:

A)Punk rocker girl


C)JAYCEE (oh, gawd would I get detention at the school halloween party) xD


I don't think I'll be JC, because I'd get detention at school. (we do the dress-up thing) I'd soooo PWN with being Me for halloween. All I half to do is dress in a brown tank, black and red baggy shorts, and voilah! (yes, I stereo-type myself. A new style has been born, peoples. Only wear brown and black is now a new stereotype. I CLAIM it) But If I can't decide, I'll be one of my epic Open Book characters. hehe

I'm either gonna be Punk or Me. BUT I WILL dress up as Jaycee at the haloween party. hehe

Spirited Away is an amazing movie.

In fact, my favourite movie of all timeee. <33

I do not dress up for Halloween. Cause I fail like that.

Though a couple of years ago, I went as the devil. :)

Last year we got a bunch of crap from parents about how we were too old to trick-or-treat. D:There were houses who denied us candy.

Wtf man.

So this year we're trying a new location, with less mommies around.

Last year I was... a thing. I wore a tutu and Converse and a tiara.

This year I'm going as Hannah Montana. I'm buying a wig.
WHAT? That is so nawt kewl. People are nasty. x.x

I'm having problems with my outfit. I plan on going as this, but my mom said she thinks it's too, uhm, substitute word....showy. I don't think it is compared to all of the outfits on there such as 'coughsmexymaidcough'. I think it looks just fine, and that it's not show at all. How should I convince her its not?

Anywho, did you guys look in any Halloween stores lately and go to the kids section? Ohmygawd it is like, PG-13 in there. Short skirts, skimpy shirts, no sockzzz!! It's a pain for the young eyes. There was one, Miss Behaved. It was liek omfghsjhkjajknfdjbdjdfsjfdj. Scary.

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I don't dress up for Halloween anymore. I stopped trick or treating about two years ago. Now, I'm watching the Halloween franchise in between handing out the candy. Sometimes, I spray some color in my hair or put on some cheap Halloween makeup but other than that I wear my normal clothes.

Bradie Webb.

I thought I would, since it's easier.

And he's not scary. I'm dressing as him because he's so hot he'll make my friends faint.

A nerd! I got 3D glasses with the lens popped out and everything! xD Or a twilight freak, with my bag, shirt, shoelaces, earrings, necklaces, pins andd you get the point.

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