What are you currently excited about?


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I'm excited to go on vacation and to the beach, and to see all of my cousins. [:

I wish this were Facebook so I can like your post Krystal. x3

I'm excited about tomorrow cause it's cow appreciation day at Chick-Fila, and if you dress up like a cow, you get a free meal of your choice. I'm going with friends. It'll be fun!

^ x3 That made me laugh. <3

I'm excited for the weekend. One more day of work before chillaxing with the family~!

Finally bought my blue TMGC+C for a great deal! It's coming next week and I'm so excited. :)

Saving up money to get my doggy a haircut :ph34r: He needs it badly D: (Which is why I am selling my tamas)

For my Shire on mabinogi to grow xD (she looks like a pony right now xD)

and my Angelgotchi and Tamagotchi charms <33

Gearing up for an exciting weekend. Gonna see my high school friends whom I haven't seen in a while and take lots of pictures. :)

I have a class reunion next week. It's going to be funny to see how fat and old everyone got. :ph34r: My friends tell me I look the same but some of my old classmates unrecognizable.

Seeing the Saturdays at a concert next week.

The week after, for school to finish.

And the week after that, my birthday. And also that week, holiday.

Going up to an old friend's place after coming back from nana's place.

School to start next Monday so I can rub it in Kaycee's face that I did go to the movies and show off my new school bag.

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