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On the phone with Maria.

MSNing with Michello.

Texting Jennnn.

Pictochatting on my DS.


Once again, I am..

M u l t i t a s k i n g.

Sitting at the dining table.

Getting ready.

Looking at a towel.

Talking to Lucie over in England on MSN ):

Listening to Paramore on my phone.

I'm about to watch The Final RIOT! [& Waiting for Katie, Luke, Rachel && Daniel to come over so we can watch to together like a big happy family lol].

That's all for now. I'm having a Paraday.

I was on facebook but now I'm just browsing TT and watching America's Got Talent.

Thinking of stuff to sell on eBay.

Listening to my brother quote Steven Hawking, o:

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