What Are You Eating Right Now?


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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2008
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Right behind you
A weird questions....soo.....yeah.....WHAT are you eating right now?

Me....I`m eating bread that`s full of herbs...not sure whether it`s tasty or not :blink:

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I am eating a chocolate Santa.
YOUR EATING SANTA o_O xD lol joking!!

I'm eating nothing right now butr the most recent thing I have eaten (besides some hard candies and gum) is a bowl of fruit salad with half an apple in it, a bannana , and a serving of chunked peaches mixed together in a bowl =] i was craving fruit

nothing right now but i want chuwy, yummy, delious, brownie with whiped cream! Yummy!


I'm eating Filipino food because right now my family's having a party.

My dad's 50th and the theme is Filipino.

I'm having pancit and some kind of barbecue.

Reeses peanut butter cups, drinking a Coke, and eating an orange crayon~ I'm not kidding.
Lol! XD The world needs more people like you!

I am currently eating nothing, although I am drinking a hot chocolate which I put chocolate ice cream inside. Tastes good. =3

Yellow Stride gum, if that counts. Did you know you can eat stride wrappers?
YES I DID. XD I drank my sister's soda, about a hour ago, and before that I ate apple pie~ yum....



Erm...I am chewing my nails and they have nail polish on them, does that count?

Well, if so I am eating nail polish and fingernails.

Haha. That sounds disgusting.

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