what are you ganna do for a life liveing?


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Here's my list:

-Musician. Sax or bass; I play both. If that doesn't work, I'd be a

-Composer. I am in advanced theory at my music school and grasp it well. I also enjoy composing. If that doesn't work. I'd like to be a

-Graphic Designer. I'm fond of playing with illustrator, GiMP, and the like. If that doesn't work, then I could always go into

-Writing. I enjoy writing, and I'd love to do it whether it be advertising or books. Now if THAT doesn't work, I think I'd be a

-Historian. I am fascinated by ancient history and it would be fun to be a professor and teach it, et cetera. If THAT doesn't work,

-McDonalds. I'll work at McDonalds. :>

Here's my list:
-Musician. Sax or bass; I play both. If that doesn't work, I'd be a

-Composer. I am in advanced theory at my music school and grasp it well. I also enjoy composing. If that doesn't work. I'd like to be a

-Graphic Designer. I'm fond of playing with illustrator, GiMP, and the like. If that doesn't work, then I could always go into

-Writing. I enjoy writing, and I'd love to do it whether it be advertising or books. Now if THAT doesn't work, I think I'd be a

-Historian. I am fascinated by ancient history and it would be fun to be a professor and teach it, et cetera. If THAT doesn't work,

-McDonalds. I'll work at McDonalds. :>
nice ;) thats a nice way 2 list that all ;) :D

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At present I am working casually as a student paramedic for the local ambulance service. Once graduating and full qualifying, this will be my choice of employment for a substantial amount of time. I am not entirely sure what the future holds. I haven't ruled out going back to medicine and I am not sure how likely it is that I will continue with the shift work when I look at family. :)

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Singer - I've got an good voice... and I love music!!!

Doctor - YAY So yeah I like the whole idea of sickness and all that... Plus I know quite a bit about the human body.

Animal Carer - Being the animal lover that I am I think i'd love this job... Oh my gosh! I could work at Australia Zoo!

If none of the above work out for me i'll work at the local Woolworths

Bar/gaming/club work

aged care

child care

youth worker

graphic designer

IT (information technology) work

retail if i cant get into any of these jobs, at the moment, I do aged care..

lawyer or actress. Hah! actually I don't know.

It probably isn't very likely but I'd like to be a lego set designer <_<

either that or an artist (perhaps doing comics) or a teacher

I dunno...I'm not good at anything :c Not pretty either so I can't sing or act (which I love doing)

I'll probably end up working in a boring office and tearing my hair out from stress xD

Or maybe i'll rule the earth. Now that I like. *goes to plot*

An artist. I'm currently doing my degree, and will have some work exhibited in Finland and Sweden when I do my residency there next year. I start as I mean to go on.

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