What are you going to be for Halloween?


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uuuhhm' a purple gothic cow .

either that or a stuck up , spolied rich person with shiny jewelery & crowns , etc .

like in my aviie' xD . claires has a lot of that stuff if you need it lmfao;

I don't know.

I'm not going trick-or-treating this year (too old, parents don't allow me to "spoil the younger kids good time" :D ). I WAS going to be Hannah Montana, but I'm not going to pay for a wig and not go out, no matter how amusing / fun it would be to wear it at home. xD

There was a Goldie Locks mini dress at Spirit Halloween I saw that I really liked... I have long golden blonde hair, so I could curl it, wear the dress, and be Goldie, but again, I don't want to spend a bunch of money on the dress to stay home. So I guess if I go to a party I'll get it, but otherwise no.

If I decide to go to a friend's house and hand out candy, I'll just wear ridiculous clothes for fun... but nothing special.

But then again, I may be going to Kennywood's Fright Night on Halloween, and in that case, I'll just be in a hoodie and jeans.

So I guess I'm really up in the air with it this year. I've actually been considering my Halloween plans a lot lately - explaining why this post is so long and doesn't have much of a point? xD

So in short, I don't know. o:

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No-Face from Spirited Away<33

I need to exacto-knife out the eye holes and mouth hole in the mask, cover them back up with black mesh, and sew it on the black sheet I have.

I'm just wearing lots of socks and putting black tights ontop of them.

Oh, and I need to find super long black gloves.

I'm so excited<33333

I was planning on being either Haruhi Suzumiya, or Kairi from Kingdom Hearts.

Right now, I don't think I could pull off either, as it's already below freezing here. I'm not planning on going trick-or-treating, it's just that my parents wouldn't approve of a short dress and snow. I believe my Halloween plans this year is just hanging out at a friend's house and hand out candy, then go to our school dance.

So I guess I'm becoming a vampire, unless the weather proves otherwise. If not, then I'm sure that I certainly won't be the only vampire this Halloween, after the wild rage of Twilight fans at my school. :D


lol, I'm lame - I dont trick-or-treat or dressup xD

I haven't decided yet. My best friend and I were thinking of dressing up as angel and devil, then going out together, but we haven't made any set plans yet. So it's still up in the air. :3

It depends on what I do this year.

I may go trick-or-treating, I might go to a party, or I might just stay home and chill. If anything, I'll end up at IHOP having some pumpkin pancakes xP

I'm thinking vampire. I have two dresses that are vampire-ish and an awesome velvet cloak I've had for like 6 years. The only problem is I'd want to cover up my chest piece. You can't look scary with a rainbow.

I was also thinking of going as Waldo XD All I need is the cap and sweater. Apparently my friend was having problems finding me a while back, yet I was always right beside or behind her. I was having a ninja day.

I wanted to go as a penguin last year but I couldn't find a costume that fit. The adult penguin was too tall, and the child penguin was way too tight, lol.

Finding a fitting costume is like trying to find fitting pants for me*hates pants shopping*.

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I'm gonna be Lady GaGa for Halloween. I just bought a blonde wig today, and Then A Family friend is gonna make an outfit, I just gotta find a lady gaga outfit on google, then print it out for her.

Beat That. Ha. jk


I don't know. I have choices.

A. Emma's place and possibly have a costume.

B. Trick or treating with twins, Colleen, and Katelyn. Would need a costume.

C. Scaring kids and eating candy with Sofie, Nicole, and Khamile.

I was going to go to a concert--but plans fell through twice. Which sucks, because this is like concert of the year. I'm talking ATL, BLG, VE, Hey Monday, and 5 more.

If I get a costume, I kinda leaning towards a slutty one, since I've never ever been one. xD

not too slutty of course.

That or I could give out candy/scare little kids.

A Giant Sandwich. though it won't be lame =D

I'll get two big pieces of cardboard and paint them and cut thm to look like slices of bread, and tape them to either side of me, and put red and green wrapping paper in the middle to look like a lettuce and tomato sandwich.

and then cut out a hole for my head to pop through.

Maybe i'll upload a picture to here or something.

We don't celebrate Halloween.

But if I had to choose... I'd go as a vampire. Not a sparkly one, but the dark and evil ones :D

I am having problems deciding. I am thinking punk/goth fairy, vampire, a witch or something like that

I'm in Cornwall for Halloween, so me Olivia and Phoebe will be sitting on the beach in our costumes. xD

Double D from Ed, Edd N' Eddy! X3

(Orange T-shirt, black beanie cap, jeans, a yellow tie and magnify glass.)

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I'm dressing up as Elphaba, from WICKED. =)

My younger sister is going to be Galinda.

I'm dressing up as a...




(I'm going to be making the girl outfit from 'Pokemon Diamond'...Only a little bit different! > :D )


I may be to old to trick-or-treat, but it's just fun to go to school in a totally awesome outfit. >83...

Also I'm going to a party. So it's a win, win situation.


Of course a ton of my friends think I'm such a nerd for that. But who cares. XD<3


So far I've made the hat, I have the scraf, I've made a plush poke'ball, and I've got my bag I'm going to use ready. >:3...


I just gotta make the shirt and skirt!

No-Face from Spirited Away<33
I need to exacto-knife out the eye holes and mouth hole in the mask, cover them back up with black mesh, and sew it on the black sheet I have.

I'm just wearing lots of socks and putting black tights ontop of them.

Oh, and I need to find super long black gloves.

I'm so excited<33333
Epic. That sound sawesome. I love Spirited Away<33


I'm going as The Conscience from Panic!'s IWSNT music video. :333

I needa top hat [Hot Topic ;D] and a red coat. With tails.



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