What are you in the crowd?


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2007
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what are you in school?Vote in the poll above :D

also:I know this is a copy but the first one I made was a mistake so please delete that one if any modereator is reading. :furawatchi:

I'm gothic, I'm only being good in p7 because we get to go on this holiday at the end of the year if we're good, in high school I'm going to be very bad! *Laughs evily like a maniac*

I'm just friendly. 2 of my friends left me, just to be popular, and 1 popular girl is really mean, not just to me, but a lot of people.

I'm happy with who I am, and no one is gonna change me just to get me in a different social group. :furawatchi:

Story: (Ugh!, Now is the time to roll your eyes saying "Kawaii-Kitty, You and your "storys!") LOLZ

Everyone in my grade (7th grade) would write on eachothers hand, and it'd be a very fun game called "Zap!" (no I'm not explaining the game now :) ) Then I had writing all over my hands and arms, I went home that night and took a nice long shower. I didn't bother to get the ink off, because that shower night, I was just getting ready for my B.O.

"Where is this going, Kawaii-Kitty?"

So the next day, some writing was still on my arm, and in PE, I changed into my PE t-shirt, then I said to my bff in the changing room "Aw MAN! There is still writing on my arm, and everyone can see it! And the writing says "Kiss Nick!" And nick is in P.E.!!" then a popular girl (old bff) came up and said "My writing came off" and the MEAN popular girl came up and said.

"Yeah, Yeah, YEAH?! What happened next?!?!"

The mean popular girl turned to my old bff, aka new popular girl, and said "Yeah but you took a shower..." and I said "I took a shower, too!" and the mean one said "Yeah, sure" [sarcastic] and then the mean one, and my old bff left the room and the mean popular girl said quietly "No wonder it stinks in here!" then she laughed :D

I hate her!!!!

"Is that all, Kawaii-Kitty?!"




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I'm friends with everyone. I'm aquaintances with everyone.

Nobody is my friend, nor my enemy. So I practically hang out with whoever I want.

I'm the weird kid XD but I have a circle of weird friends, so it's alright. :3

*Topic moved to '(Non)TamaTalk'*

A+ smarty. I am super smart but not considered a nerd. prob cuz I dress pretty cool, i dont dedicate my LIFE to school junk, I am really good at sports. (i didnt know my talent for Pattersons game, and football)

I'm.. Not really any of those. 0___o

I am about the most goth, tomboy-ish girl in my grade.

I have a few friends, but they're all guys.

I'm never really hyper, but it's not like I'm falling asleep in class or anything.

I'm just pretty laid-back, friendly if you talk to me, not so friendly when you talk about me, humorous...

Well I have a lot of best friends and a lot of inside jokes with all the guys and everyone else I know. I'm kind of friends with everyone, and from what I hear no one talks bad about me behind my back, it's all nice stuff, which makes me feel good.

I guess I'm a friendly person,, ^^

I'm somewhat popular, but I am considered a smart straight A student. I was student of the month! xD

But everyone knows me as gossip, drama, you know... :\

A lot Of People In My Grade Hate Me Because Im Not "Beautiful", "Preppy" "Popular" And "Full Of Joy" :/

And People Have A Problem The Way I Dress ( I Dress Like A Normal Person )

And Im Pretty Much A Shy Person So I'll Go With Shy

I usually get picked on but I'm A+ smart lol....

I get straight A's in Math...

People don't call me nerds because when I hang out after school I usually have my cool clothes on...

i see you cant choose several! id say im a+ smarty, a little shyness, sometimes daydreamer, and sometimes picked-on.

page 2 woot!

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When I get in trouble I usually get away with it....

Girls think I am adorable!

Some girls in my class pinch my cheecks because they are squishy!

I am cool with a lot of the teachers :D

I'm a friendly person. :D

If you want to call me popular, that's great. If you don't, I could really care less. My point is, popularity is'nt everything. :D As long as you have a friend you can trust in, you're doing good.

Let's see...

I'm smart,

tomboyish but love clothes and shopping,

hate make-up,

love punkish clothes,

eats like a pig,

loves chinese food,

is nice,

looks pretty (according to friends... >.>)

loves video games (especially fighting games xD)

loves to disect dead things. (Lol)

and apperently a fashion guru.

Hmmm...... I'm pretty much a mix of crazy things.


P.S: Not popular by the way.

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I'm.. Not really any of those. 0___oI am about the most goth, tomboy-ish girl in my grade.

I have a few friends, but they're all guys.

I'm never really hyper
I'm just the opposite of that x3

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