What are your fears?


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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Just wondering what people on TT's fears are and why?- from an experience, someone had an experience but you weren't involved, just because, ect.

I have something with people 'getting into my bubble'. I hate being touched and hugs [aside from family members] are totaly out of the question. I don't know why- it's wierd. I guess I don't really 'fear' it, but it makes me very uncomfortable and just.... ug.

I also have something minor with kitchen knives. o.o; It doesn't stop me from using them but I'm ultra weary around them.


Mostly spiders, and I'm a little claustrophobic (I freak when I'm in small, dark spaces). I also extremely dislike clowns...

Don't worry, you're not the only one with the 'personal space' problem... I hate hugs, even from my family, don't like people getting in my face, and mostly sit alone. It doesn't 'scare' me, it makes me feel.. Yeah, uncomfortable. XP

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Mostly spiders, and I'm a little claustrophobic (I freak when I'm in small, dark spaces). I also extremely dislike clowns...
Yeah, I don't like being closed in too much either. xP

Clowns? What's with people and clowns? xD

Oh come on, clowns are just freaky. Plus I've had bad experiences and a terrible nightmare... I ended up having to cut its legs off with a butcher knife... Don't ask. XD

Oh come on, clowns are just freaky. Plus I've had bad experiences and a terrible nightmare... I ended up having to cut its legs off with a butcher knife... Don't ask. XD

I guess that is a reason to be afraid of them! xD

Yes. Yes it is. XD

I'm also afraid of not being able to breathe.. Choking, drowning, etc.. I have tons of fears. Just most that I don't encounter very often. (Thank God)

I love thunderstorms- they make me happy. :]

There was a study with adults and more were afraid of public speaking than death. Isn't that crazy? More people would rather die that publicly speak! xD

I fear really nothing except this: Not being of any use to No one in my entire life, never finding "him" Never finding true love

Mainly being on my own, if I was on my own for the rest of my life I'd be scared I'd like to live with someone [my boyfriend preferably] I don't know why but I never feel safe on my own.

Also I'm very needy with my boyfriend. I hate if we have arguments and I need to be reassured alot etc, but he's good because he always tells me what I want to hear to make me feel happy :blink: . I don't even know why I'm so insecure about these things, he's never given me any reason to doubt it - I suppose I'm just scared of getting hurt [even though I know that won't happen, he's not that sort of person].

Hmm.. To many. >.< I will just name some.

  • People finding out at school, I go on tamatalk.
  • Deep water
  • The dark
  • Hearing things that aren't regular.
  • Some animals
  • Sharp things
  • Sparky things
  • Losing my loved ones
  • Getting seriously hurt

That's all I can think of, for now.

Hmm..Alot. >.< Here are most of them.

♦Tornados-They scare the heck out of me. I'm always having nightmares about tornados destroying my house.

♦Bees-They stung, buzz around your head....is that clear enough?

♦Crumbs & Stains-Ugh....gross.

♦Elevators-I hate them! I'm claustriphobic, and I'm always afraid the elevator is going to break down. I have a phobia towards elevators.

♦Small Spaces-Claustriphobic. Do I have to say more?

♦The Grudge-That movie ruined my life

I have more though!

I dont really know all my fears. but heres a few


-Spiders (small ones, if they're like, Tarantula's i'm fine, because i like tarantula's)


-Poisonous things

-Being Upside Down on amusement park rides

Spiders. As a matter of fact, I was feeding my dogs and catas yesterday when I saw this huge spider, it was one of the biggest ones I've seen. I screamed really loud asnd made my brother kill it. And he's a fraid of spiders to. But we get spiders in our beds if we leave them messed up to long. And one time there was a spider in my bed and I freaked out and made my dad kill it. ^_^ So I jkust don't like them. Reason is... I was tanning by my friends, moms, friends pool one time and fell asleep. I woke up with a white spot on my back and a bite in the middle. I was a spider bite, and it won't go away. And it happened.... two years ago?


And the other fear (out of many) is knifes. Reason being.. My brother used to come at me with big kitchen knifes, and he was just kidding. I still don't care. It has made me scared ever since. He would always comne after me with a knife when I was on the computer in the kitchen. I would always scream REALLY loud and he'd yell at me. He had it coming though.

TamaTalker101, how do you hate thunder storms? I love 'em. They make me happy too, tamaw/pants.

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Well... There are a lot

Heights--- which is actually the fear of falling

Dying--- cus i don't know where i'll go or what happens

Losing ANYONE in my family (biggest)--- because as a child, I'd cry about losing my mom (no she's not dead) and they all mean more to me than my life...

Vomitting--- Idk but I can't stand it

Horror movies--- screams of pain and torture scares the poo outta me

Haunted Houses--- Cus I don't like being startled

Spiders--- cus ya know, they can kill you

Going to my dads mostly getting away from my mom(I Love my dad though it is just seperation agsity)

I have a LOT //

  • Blood - Especially paper cuts.
  • Stairs - I don't know but they scare me.
  • Swimming - I know how but I'm not good.
  • Losing People I love - Can't even think of it.

My fears are:

1. Sometimes heights

2. Wearing Pink

3. Wearing make up

4. meeting someone who lookes just like me *i'd scream*

•Fire - I despise fire and being burned. It's a horrible feeling.

•Drowning - What a horrible way to die, with water filling your lungs and being unable to breath.

•Being trampled - Horrid, need I say more?

•Bugs/Insects - Only butterflies and ladybugs seem harmless, but anything else makes me insane, I hate bugs and insects.

•Dying - Does anybody like dying? No, and I'm no different.

•Losing my books - Oh! The agony, even the thought makes me uncomfortable.

There is a great list of my fears but I can't think about them any longer.

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